A chance to see some of my new font in action. I managed to solve my Comma problem from last time (in a really round about way.) You may also have noticed those little marks either side. They’re what some letters use sometimes when someone’s making a noise like a gasp or sneeze or burp. Those marks aren’t on modern keyboards and therefore are kind of dieing out in modern comics. But I love that effect, so I made some of my own. I wasn’t sure if the website I used would let me get away with it, but I got lucky and they did.
As for the image itself… there’s bits I like about this shots and some I don’t. It was quite fun to draw a sexy Vampire. I’m to close to it still to really make any calls on the quality yet. I’m hoping when I look at it again in a few days it will still hold up. I just don’t want that nasty shock, when you like something and then you move on and look at it again later and think “God, that’s awful!. What was I thinking?” It’s always like a punch to the gut when that happens.
I know these X-ray pin ups shots have been up over the net for a few days now, but they blow my mind. I still feel a little cheated not to live in a world with X-ray specs. I had always hoped as a kid that by the time I was an adult, they be real. But sadly not. No flying cars or invisibility suit either. You suck, adult world!
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