When your looking through Myspace profiles and see how many of them suddenly just go dead around 2008 when Facebook started taking off. It like a bomb went off and took out the casual user leaving only bloody musicians and their profiles. Filling up your comment section, where once friends used to leave amusing and sometimes just random comments. Or maybe a funny little animated GIF or something.
I have this reoccurring nightmare that a bomb goes off wiping out all of civilization apart from me. And the only other survivor, is some wannabe musician and his acoustic guitar. In this nightmare I spend my last days living in the ruins of what was once was a major city, eating dead rats, waiting for death and just being followed around by this pretentious musician who ever few steps asks “do you want to hear my latest song?” and I’m too polite and too British to tell him “I really, really don’t.” and I envy the dead around me. Their suffering is over, while mines just goes on and on.