It’s going to be nice to relax a bit this week as I’ve been drawing like a mad man these last several weeks trying to get the start of B.O.B. done. I plan to chill out a bit this week. This week it going to be all scanning, cleaning up artwork in Photoshop and lettering the pages I’ve done so far. I’m not going near a pencil this week and I’m not staying up half the night drawing till the wee hours.
Talking of the wee hours (which is sadly when the best TV is on) been watching some more of the American version of The Office recently. I remember watching the first couple of episodes when it first started and finding it really bad. I gave up on it after a couple of shows. I think it was on BBC 2 and I think they even took it off after a few shows (I could very well be remembering that wrong... oh wait, looking on Wike it says Season 1 was only six shows long…anyway) Never has a sitcom gone from so bad to so good so quickly. Plus the theme tune really catchy. The thing with sitcoms is they usually need a couple of seasons to get going. It worth watching The American Office just for Dwight Schrute alone. I’m becoming a big fan.
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