This image put up a bit of a fight in places and for a while I was a bit worried it was going to get away from me and I was going to end up messing it up. The weird thing is it wasn’t the hideous creature on the right that was the problem but more getting the look right on the women on the left. Actually the Monster kind of fell into place pretty easily even though I hadn’t maybe planned him out as well as I could have. Where as the women (maybe because I just wanted to get the right reaction in her look) I kept having to go back to again and again. There’s always the question of when you should let a piece of artwork go. Especially in comics when sadly time is a big factor. As I look at it now I’m pretty happy with it but knowing me I’ll probably look at it again at some point today and something will no doubt bug me about it.
I really hate drawing in this heat. It to hot and to nice outside not to try and enjoy this rare weather, so when you are stuck indoors it seems a bit wrong. I usually try and wait till night to start doing any artwork but even the nights are boiling.
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