I can’t really post the pencilling stage as I pencil so lightly it usually wouldn’t even show up when I scan it, so onto the finished inked image. One of the strange things about drawing this is that the first part is an extreme close up of someone’s face. It felt a little weird having to draw a face on a big bit of A3 board. Your whole head isn’t as big as an A3 sheet let alone your face. Then the second part of this image is the battle taking place on the tongue. So from drawing something bigger that in real life is actually smaller it’s then a case of drawing something that would be massive in scale on a very small surface. I confess that at one point while drawing the Battle scene I did have a quick look at a couple of Where’s Wally books. That tongue battle isn’t anywhere close to being as big as one of those where’s Wally pictures and it still took me ages. Makes you think how long those books take to draw. A long bloody time would be my guess. It hard to remember which took longer to draw. The face or the battle. I got a nasty feeling it was actually the battle scene even though it only takes up about 20% of the page. Doing tiny little detailed scenes like that does tend to get on your nerves after a while. All those little tiny gunshots and landmines under the skin of the tongue. It also a case of trying to keep everything in scale. Making sure one soldier isn’t twice the size of the others.
Also managed to get my dirty hands on a pad of Bristol board recently from an art shop. Never used the stuff before because I could never found it. I was in an Art shop at Xmas picking up a present for a friend and found a pad. Been wanting to try Bristol board out for years and this image was the first time I got a chance to draw and ink on it. To be honest there’s not a whole lot of different between it and the usual card I use considering how much more it costs. Bristol board handles ink a little different and it seems to dry quicker. I’ve only used a couple of sheets so far so the jury still out. I haven’t tried to do a Sequential page on it yet either.
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