You notice how hard it is to be greener nowadays? We’re told to turn off any lights or gadgets not being used. Nothing should be left on stand by. Then some time before Xmas my freeview box on my TV started to have to take ages to scan for TV listing. Before the listing were just there when you turned the thing on and now you have to let it do this slow (it’s at least a couple of minutes) scan every time you switch on. Then it puts up a screen saying that if I leave my freeview box on stand by 24hours a day it’ll update itself so it won’t need to rescan every time I turn the TV on. Even though for months it didn’t need to rescan every time or be left on stand by. Plus this week I treated myself to a set of wireless headphones that say when you first take them out of the box, that you should charge them for SIXTEEN HOURS. That’s a long time to have to charge something. Must thing’s you can put on to charge before you go to sleep. Sixteen hours is nearly a whole day. I don’t know if every time after that you’ve got to charge them for sixteen hour or from the second charge on would it’ll be quicker. The manual that came with it is massive and yet only a tiny part of it is printed in English. It one of those ones that unfolds like a map rather then a booklet and the English section is tiny. Like some kind of bad joke after you’ve spent ages looking for the English section. On top of that my Mobile seems to need charging more and more now. But that could be that I’ve had it for a several years now and it’s on its way out. It so old it doesn’t even have a camera on it. Everybody’s phones got a camera on it.
Watched the trailer for Quentin Tarantino’s new movie. Reminded me I really need to watch Death Proof soon. I always fall behind with Tarantino movies. I watched Kill Bill 1 at the cinema and didn’t see Kill Bill 2 until a few years later when it was on TV.
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