Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Gunned Down.

Writing today’s post with fingers covered in ink and white paint. The white paint what you use to “white out” any mistake you make while inking and there were plenty to sort out today. I was trying out a couple of new things in the inking stage and while I was happy enough with the way they came out (just hope my heavy handed A3 scanner let’s them show up when I scan it) it did make a lot of mess that had to be painted out. Still it early days and I guess it all about getting your technique right or rather just making less mess.

Speaking of messy shots here one that I remember being a bit tricky. As I mention a couple of posts ago it a fine art getting that toothbrush splatter just right. I find it best to cut out some kind of mask to protect the rest of the page from disappearing under an inky snow storm.
Sticking with the trigger-happy theme of this post. Ever wonder what in those SUV’S that follow around important people nowadays? I would of guessed a load of blokes in sunglasses but this is way better.

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