Sunday, 9 November 2008

Robot Wars.

Sometimes you’re think of an idea you just can’t shake out of your head until you get it down on the page. Had this idea of a couple of old school Cybermen beating up a Strom Trooper a couple of months ago and have been trying to find time to draw it ever since. I thought some people might find it funny.

I think it would make a nice T-shirt design or something but if I ever did get some printed up it would probably end up with George Lucas chasing me down the street with a Lightsaber and a pose of lawyers. I might print one up for myself at some point.

{Note} Notice how through this whole post I dodged the old Cybermen vs new Cybermen debate. I just went with the classic design, as it was how Cybermen looked when I was a kid watching Dr Who. Do they look better now a days? Hmmm it a tough one.

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