Been a bit slack this week with getting artwork done as for once the sun come out and since we didn’t get much of a summer last year I taken a day or two to enjoy the weather and meet up with friends. But now I’ve got sunburn on my forehead and nose it’s time to get back to work. Today I started inking the final page in my short sci-fi story. Trying to get this story wrapped up but the last page is taking a while to come together. Anybody who been reading this Blog for the past year knows that when it comes time to photocopy my artwork from A3 to A4 things always seem to get needlessly complicated so I decided to try and resolve this problem once and for all by splashing out on a A3 scanner which is sitting on my bedroom floor unopened waiting for me to finish this story. I couldn’t really afford anything fancy but then all I need it for is scanning in black and white artwork, which is a pretty basic function. So I’m hoping this will sort a lot of problems out for me. I’m a big believer that when things go wrong the best thing you can do is throw money at the problem… but that doesn’t really work if your wallets always underfeed like mine sadly.
I’m off to point and marvel at that big, hot, yellow ball in the sky as its been so long since I’ve seen it, it like a stranger to me.
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