Saturday, 31 May 2008
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
Hourglass Figure.
My favourite bit of Youtube is the ‘Videos being watched’ bit. By far the best vid I’ve seen come rolling down is this one>
You see corsets are sexy unless they’ve taken it to far and in which case it just gets a bit freaky. This is wayyyyyy to far. Looks like she could snap in half any second.
You see corsets are sexy unless they’ve taken it to far and in which case it just gets a bit freaky. This is wayyyyyy to far. Looks like she could snap in half any second.
Thursday, 22 May 2008
Beat On The Brat.

This is the Sci-Fi take on that scene in films or on television were someone drives down the street at high speed while another guy swings at American style mail boxes with a baseball bat or golf club. While drawing this I had this Ramones song going through my head as an unofficial soundtrack to this picture.
I’ve been wanting to draw the Baseball Bat\Mailbox scene for ages for some reason so drawing this was even better. I also got to draw and make up a lot of cool Sci-Fi transport like the space bike above and a space station and so on. I guess because everything I’ve been drawing these last few years has been set on modern day earth I got to really go wild on this strip. Also got to make up and draw robots to… Robots riding space bikes.
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Carry On Screaming.
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Well I’ve finished, scanned, lettered and posted my short story to were it needs to be and for the first time in years I’m actually at a bit of a loose end for a bit. When I left college I had already started Cruel Britannia and before I’d even finished that I had thought up the story for Dirge, so I moved on to the first part after finishing Cruel Britannia. Between part 1 and part 2 of Dirge I did a short story and during part 2 I took a short break to do a couple of one-page stories before going back and finishing the second part. From finishing Dirge I jumped straight into the story I was just working on and so now for a short bit I’m at a bit of a loose end. Actually it’s not that bad. They’re a couple of other short stories I need to write up and thumbnail to get ready to go, plus my reference scrapbook hasn’t been given any attention for a long time. Been meaning to do some pin ups for my portfolio as well. Haven’t done any pin ups or covers for so long now I’m actually a bit nervous of drawing something so big after only doing Sequential work for so long.
The above image is taken from my short story. It was the first time I ever tried to do a montage and this shot is taken from it. Now I’ve got the whole story scanned I’ll put up a couple of other panels soon.

Monday, 12 May 2008
Onwards And Upwards.
Well the good news is I managed to finish up inking my short sci-fi story this weekend and also managed to set up my A3 scanner but not without a few set backs and me muttering “I’ll never work with bloody computers again darn them” a few times. Plus now with all this new scanner software on my laptop it’s running at super, super slow speed. I also now own the must unhealthiest sounding scanner of all time. My scanner is now twice the size and twice as unhealthy sounding. But it works (thank fuck) and hopefully this time I won’t have to go through my usual weird and mostly unhappy adventure just to get something photocopied down in size.
You ever notice how ungrateful insect are? With all this hot weather this last week my bedrooms is now daily invaded by some new little bastard with more legs then me. Was a time when swatting bugs meant nothing to me but the older I get and the less I seem to feel about the human master race compared to the animal kingdom, the guiltier I feel about it. It more a case of trying to get them under cups and stuff and throw them out the window now a days. Which is all I seem to be doing this last week. It when flies start landing on you because they know you’ve lost your bottle to swash them and they keep finding they’re way back into my room no matter how many times you throw them out. Also today as I was walking about the house I noticed one on the outside of my window. One of those weird bright green ones with its underbelly (do insect have underbelly’s?) showing. It looked great so I grab my camera and tried to line up a shot hoping that anyone walking by wouldn’t think I was spying on them camera in hand. I was trying to be quick and just as I’d lined up my shot after ages of trying the little bastard jumps off. After all the bugs I’ve let go this week it just seemed a bit rude.
If now-a-days I do have to kill a bug (I try hard not to) I just think of this scene from the fly and suddenly it kind of feels like they’ve got it coming.
God I saw this for the first time the other day on TV and it freaked me out. I go for years never seeing a Vincent Price movie and now I’ve seen two in one month. Based on those two alone I think Price was a great actor. Probably one of the best death scenes of all time. Just plan freaky and surreal.
You ever notice how ungrateful insect are? With all this hot weather this last week my bedrooms is now daily invaded by some new little bastard with more legs then me. Was a time when swatting bugs meant nothing to me but the older I get and the less I seem to feel about the human master race compared to the animal kingdom, the guiltier I feel about it. It more a case of trying to get them under cups and stuff and throw them out the window now a days. Which is all I seem to be doing this last week. It when flies start landing on you because they know you’ve lost your bottle to swash them and they keep finding they’re way back into my room no matter how many times you throw them out. Also today as I was walking about the house I noticed one on the outside of my window. One of those weird bright green ones with its underbelly (do insect have underbelly’s?) showing. It looked great so I grab my camera and tried to line up a shot hoping that anyone walking by wouldn’t think I was spying on them camera in hand. I was trying to be quick and just as I’d lined up my shot after ages of trying the little bastard jumps off. After all the bugs I’ve let go this week it just seemed a bit rude.
If now-a-days I do have to kill a bug (I try hard not to) I just think of this scene from the fly and suddenly it kind of feels like they’ve got it coming.
God I saw this for the first time the other day on TV and it freaked me out. I go for years never seeing a Vincent Price movie and now I’ve seen two in one month. Based on those two alone I think Price was a great actor. Probably one of the best death scenes of all time. Just plan freaky and surreal.
Friday, 9 May 2008
Welcome Stranger.

Been a bit slack this week with getting artwork done as for once the sun come out and since we didn’t get much of a summer last year I taken a day or two to enjoy the weather and meet up with friends. But now I’ve got sunburn on my forehead and nose it’s time to get back to work. Today I started inking the final page in my short sci-fi story. Trying to get this story wrapped up but the last page is taking a while to come together. Anybody who been reading this Blog for the past year knows that when it comes time to photocopy my artwork from A3 to A4 things always seem to get needlessly complicated so I decided to try and resolve this problem once and for all by splashing out on a A3 scanner which is sitting on my bedroom floor unopened waiting for me to finish this story. I couldn’t really afford anything fancy but then all I need it for is scanning in black and white artwork, which is a pretty basic function. So I’m hoping this will sort a lot of problems out for me. I’m a big believer that when things go wrong the best thing you can do is throw money at the problem… but that doesn’t really work if your wallets always underfeed like mine sadly.
I’m off to point and marvel at that big, hot, yellow ball in the sky as its been so long since I’ve seen it, it like a stranger to me.
Monday, 5 May 2008
The 100th Post.
Well last weekend it was a whole year on Blogger and now this. Feels strange that I’m already up to a hundred but still. From new artwork to Origami Vaginas and Midget fights I guess if nothing else you could say this Blog has had its moments. So here to another hundred posts.
On a another note I’m not a rich man (shock, horror) but if I was the first thing I’d do is buy half-a-dozen of these Kung Fu Chimps. Much better then guard dogs. Imagine a burglar breaking in and coming across a pack of these guys>
On a another note I’m not a rich man (shock, horror) but if I was the first thing I’d do is buy half-a-dozen of these Kung Fu Chimps. Much better then guard dogs. Imagine a burglar breaking in and coming across a pack of these guys>
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