Pretty much sum up how I’m feeling at the moment as well in a weird way. It becoming a mad rush to get everything ready for Xmas. Tried to order a new TV online for Christmas and keep getting told it was out of stock. I thought it would never be in stock before Christmas until one morning a couple of days ago when I got an email telling me it was now in stock and I could order one if I followed the link. So after pressing the link and being taken to the ordering page feeling like a weight had been taken off my shoulders, I started to fill in details again, only to be told again that it was out of stock. Wow, what a mean trick to play at Christmas I thought. So the next day I went down to my local store to see if they had any in store and ended up buying one and having to carry it home myself. Problem solved but I think I’ve pulled my arms out of they’re sockets doing it.
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