Another year, another Christmas. It more the run up to Christmas I like, with all the ways you plan to treat yourself on the day before these plans go tits up. All the movies you hope will be on TV at Xmas before finding out it all shit films and repeats. All the things you plan to buy before finding out they’ve sold out (a pain I am experiencing at this moment “sob”) or cost too much.
Yeah the run up is in many ways better then the day itself. People are a little nicer (well…a bit…ish). They’re a buzz in the air. And people can stuff they’re faces for a short period, guilt free, which all comes to an end after Christmas. Plus you can mess up a lot more around Xmas and you more likely to be let off.
The downside to Christmas is it tends to exaggerate your mood. If your happy and in a good place your be feeling twice as loved up at this time of year and if your not, your feel twice as shitty. Yeah, it a tricky time Xmas. It also because you know the year is almost run out and you didn’t do half the things you planned. But then saying that if you had a shit year then knowing it was almost over should cheer you up.
I plan to get through this Christmas with a couple of good DVD’s, some Cookie flavoured ice cream and if I can sort it out in time maybe a new TV. But that a bit up in the air at the moment.