Thursday, 20 September 2007

Now In Colour.

Been colouring up some work recently. Haven’t worked in colour since late last year, so I thought I’d be a bit rusty but so far so good. I just tried to keep the colours simple but not to flat. Here the first two panels of the page. I never realised how much I’d missed working in colour until I started to do this page. Been working in grey tones on Dirge for so long it feels weird seeing one of comics in colour.

And here the image without the line work on top. Looks a bit like a cartoon.

For the first time I actually set out the palette I was going to use before I started, so I could get a feel for the mood the colours would make. This worked out well and I’ll probably try and make a habit of doing this. I just open a blank page in Photoshop and then start laying down colours next to each other to see how they looked together.

{Note} For some reason Blogger turned the mauve to a red\orange colour, but you get the idea.

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