Sunday, 30 September 2007

More New Panels.

Here a couple more finished panels from Dirge 2. Now I’ve finished these pages up I can give my eyes a much needed rest from the computer screen a bit more now and get back to the drawing board. It weird how hard it is to do anything these days without looking at a computer screen.

Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Me So Sleepy.

What with starting some part time work and trying to get some serious drawing done plus the fact it’s freezing now I’ve been real tired lately. Feel like I wanna go into hibernation or something. At least I’m chewing my way through Dirge 2. Here some panels I finished up on computer yesterday.

It weird, you can draw exploding cars and aliens but sometimes a shot of a podgy stoner rummaging in a cardboard can catch your imagination more.

Monday, 24 September 2007

Human Donkey Kong.

Ever since I was a kid and I used to have Donkey Kong on the Game Boy I always wonder how hard it would be in real life. Weirdly all these years later I found a video that answer this question.

The only down side to this video is the guy in the ape suit. How hard would it of been to train a real gorilla to throw barrels? I bet they would of made that extra bit of effort if this was on Japanese telly.

They should do this at birthday parties. Way more fun then a bouncy castle.

Thursday, 20 September 2007

Now In Colour.

Been colouring up some work recently. Haven’t worked in colour since late last year, so I thought I’d be a bit rusty but so far so good. I just tried to keep the colours simple but not to flat. Here the first two panels of the page. I never realised how much I’d missed working in colour until I started to do this page. Been working in grey tones on Dirge for so long it feels weird seeing one of comics in colour.

And here the image without the line work on top. Looks a bit like a cartoon.

For the first time I actually set out the palette I was going to use before I started, so I could get a feel for the mood the colours would make. This worked out well and I’ll probably try and make a habit of doing this. I just open a blank page in Photoshop and then start laying down colours next to each other to see how they looked together.

{Note} For some reason Blogger turned the mauve to a red\orange colour, but you get the idea.

Friday, 14 September 2007

Well If You Ain’t The Granddaddy Of All Liars.

Had a good start to the week when I got the second box set of Ren And Stimpy in the post on Monday morning. Seasons three and a half-ish. It great stuff to put on while you draw and still makes me laugh as it did when I was a kid. Actually watching it again you get to pick up on all those gags you didn’t get as a kid.

School was always kind of boring to me, but one of the high points was watching Ren and Stimpy on Wednesday afternoon. Yep watching Ren and Stimpy, playing violent computer games (when kids were allowed to play violent computer games) and drawing were the high light of those days. Come to think about it that pretty much all I do nowadays as well, but then that my generation. Uninspired, repetitive, But a great DVD collection.

I can honestly say I think the rubber nipples sketch is probably the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. It like that voight-kampff machine test in Blade runner. If you don’t laugh there a good chance you’re not human. Actually I had one friend who said it wasn’t funny but then he still swear the Phantom Menace is a good film so I’ve never really trusted his judgement.

Kind of wished I had this box set a couple of weeks ago when I was laid up with the flu. Think I might go out and buy some other box set, stick it in a brown bag and hide it on top of my bookshelf to be opened next time I’m sick.


Tuesday, 11 September 2007


That limbo as in:

1. (often initial capital letter ) Roman Catholic Theology. a region on the border of hell or heaven, serving as the abode after death of unbaptized infants (limbo of infants) and of the righteous who died before the coming of Christ (limbo of the fathers or limbo of the patriarchs).
2. a place or state of oblivion to which persons or things are regarded as being relegated when cast aside, forgotten, past, or out of date: My youthful hopes are in the limbo of lost dreams.
3. an intermediate, transitional, or midway state or place.
4. a place or state of imprisonment or confinement.

NOT limbo as in:

1. a dance from the West Indies, originally for men only, in which the dancer bends backward from the knees and moves with a shuffling step under a horizontal bar that is lowered after each successive pass.

Been a pretty slow summer and maybe could of done with more days out at the beach with friends or just more fun and games in general but what this summer lacked in entertainment I tried to make up for by being productive. I’ve been making a real push to try and make things happen this summer and now I’m waiting to see if a couple of things have worked out as well as I’d hoped. I’m always wary of what’s fate and what kind of fate you could have had if you just tried a little harder. Long story, short failure is painful but the not knowing is the real killer. At least this is the kind of ‘what if?’ were you get answer at some point. Not the really annoying ‘what if?’ like, What if I’d got together with this girl or What if I’d said this instead of that at that moment in time. Those are the real fuckers that will keep you awake at night.

Nothing will flavour this unnecessary rant better then a picture of a man looking pissed off.

This is from the latest page of Dirge (inked today). Over the next few days I’ve got to finish up this page and modify another page and take them to the library for photocopying (but not on a Wednesday as the library closes early on Wednesday). Try and get a haircut before my hair looks any more like a mullet. And at some point I’ve got to take a trip into Eastbourne to buy a much needed A3 light box which after making the trip and fighting my way through the oldies, probably won’t be in stock when I get there. Its all go but I’m hoping there still some fun times ahead before X-mas and 2008.

Thursday, 6 September 2007

New Panel.

More Dirge.

Really making a push now to get some serious work done on Dirge. Hoping to finish it up around early 2008.

Monday, 3 September 2007

Technology Sucks.

Just as I’m getting over my flu my laptop power lead gives out so I’ve been Internet free all weekend. Going all weekend without the net made me release how hooked I’d become to the Internet over the last couple of years. At one point I think I even had a dream that I was just looking at websites in my sleep and just strolling down pages (not a good sign). Anyway today I splashed out on a new power lead and will catch up on any and all emails from the last few days.

Now I’m more or less over the flu and computer problems I’ll start posting up new artwork at some point this week. I still managed to get some work done last week in my flu-ridden state so I’m sure I’ll found something to post.

I went for a walk on Friday as I hadn’t been out of the house for days and it was creepy how many people were coughing and looking shitty. Still hopefully that the yearly flu out of the way this winter.