Sunday, 9 March 2025

Antiques Zombie Road Trip.

I know with this post I'm inadvertently 'outing' myself as a Antiques Road Trip viewer, but I had to share this Zombie find spotted on a recent episode.

I've spent my fair share of hours in Antique Shops over the years and have never seen anything as cool as this Zombie Head.

Saturday, 8 March 2025

Tooled Up And Ready For The Dead.

I fear this latest panel opens up an old debate. What is the greatest weapon to wield in a Zombie Outbreak?

This character seems to think the best tool for the job would be a spiked Pugil Stick. But is he right? Let's look at the pluses. No ammo needed so it never runs out. Doesn't make any sound so won't attract more Zombies. And it's a long weapon so it keeps the Undead at a distance when fighting them reducing the risk of a bite or scratch.

Question is... what hardware will you be packing when the dead start to walk?