Sunday, 28 July 2024

Slay Away.

I think there's just enough time left this week to share this new Zombie Slayer shot I drew very recently that I'm hoping to Ink next week.

Putting down the Undead is a messy job, but somebody has to do it.

Friday, 26 July 2024

46% Zombie.

Here's something for the weekend... and that 'something' is 46% of a Zombie.

Monday, 22 July 2024

Limp Summer.

Like most things this Summer, my Cactus Flower promises so much, but delivered so little.

I'm sad to say, since my last update, he's gone limp and lifeless without flowering. Even on those rare days when the Sun did come out, it didn't seem to be enough to wake him up. To be honest I'm not sure what happened to him.

Oh well... Maybe next Summer the little guy will open up.

Sunday, 14 July 2024

A Real Grower.

Wow... Clearly my Cactus liked the attention it got from me posting photos of its extra large Bud on the Internet very recently, because in just one week, it's now grown much bigger and started to develop a purple tip.

Friday, 12 July 2024

Zombie Kiss.

A WIP of someone who is about to become RIP...

This poor character is the victim of an old fashioned 'Zombie Kiss'.

I think we can all agree Zombies are 'Orally Aggressive' and have 'Boundary Issues'... a truly killer combination.

Tuesday, 9 July 2024

Large And Erect.

I've notices that something is happening with my Cacti's mysterious bud...

It's gotten massive over the last couple of weeks, which is amazing considering how little Sun we've had of late.

If it is going to Flower this Summer, it's gonna be a big one.

Sunday, 7 July 2024

Old Man Medicine.

Had a really 'wheezy chest' this weekend, possible because of the cold, wet weather or maybe something to do with Hay Fever and all the moist pollen that's probably floating around in the air right now.
So I thought I'd try a large Brandy to see if that did anything to help and my chest is feeling so much clearer today.

Why can't fixing ailments always be this good. Plus now I have an excuse to drink in the Summer.

Thursday, 4 July 2024

Grabby Ghoul.

Never forget when it comes to Halftones in your Horror Artwork, Dots can indeed be deadly, but Lines can also be lethal.

I don't tend to use a lot of 'Halftone Lines' when texturing my Artwork as I feel they can flatten out the look of a panel, but I have to say I do like the background effect they give here.

Strangely, I think this 'Grabby Ghoul' frame is my favourite Zombie shot so far in the comic.