Sunday, 26 November 2023

It's Ho Ho Ho Time.

I have a rule that I never put up Xmas decorations before December, but this weekend, I decided to break my own rule.

To be honest... I just need more Christmas in my life right now.

I've even put up my little tree that I have in my Bedroom\Studio (although I've lost the little paper Fairy that sits on top).

Saturday, 25 November 2023

Walking The Dead.

Probably my favourite thing I had to draw this week was this gruesome Ghoul on the go. An undead and unkempt fiend, stumbling down the street looking for someone good to eat.

It's only a matter of time before she finds her next Victim. 

Thursday, 16 November 2023

Webcam Zombie.

The Living Dead take their never-ending search for Human Brains online with Webcam Zombie... The World Wide Ghoul.

This quick shot, which I took on my Webcam (hence the poor quality), is just me playing around with a Zombie Mask I picked up this Halloween.

It's only a 'face mask', sadly, but I've found when I wear it with a Hoody, it actually looks ok. Although it does make me look like a Zombie Hacker.  

Fun Fact: this is my Second time portraying a member of the Undead. You can find my first attempt HERE

Considering how popular Zombies are, it's weird how hard I've found getting my hands on Zombie Masks.

Saturday, 11 November 2023

Ghouls On A Laptop.

Zombies, Zombies everywhere... and all they wanna do is eat...

You know you're drawing a lot of Zombies when you're drawing people watching Zombies in your Artwork.