Sunday, 30 April 2023

Face The Law.

It's time this weekend to face the Law...

Would you believe this is my first time ever drawing Judge Dredd? I got to draw a couple Judges in a Judge Death Pin-up a couple of years ago, but never Dredd himself.

Kind of tricky that my first go at depicting Dredd was in close-up, but hopefully I did him justice (pun intended).

Friday, 21 April 2023

This Blog Is On Fire.

Been required to draw and colour a lot of Fires and Explosions in my Artwork recently (as seen above), which I've actually been enjoying.

If nothing else so far this year, I really feel I've upped my Sequential 'Pyrotechnic' skills in 2023. Trying to figure out new little tricks to do to improve my Art and make me the best little 'Twisted Firestarter' I can be. 

I'm currently trying to think of ways to sneak extra bangs into my Comics so I can draw some more.

Saturday, 15 April 2023

This Many...

Just in case you were wondering how many Pens actually did run dry on me, or if I was over-exaggerating in my last post. I thought I'd share this photo.

Each one of these Pens 'Gave Up The Ghost' this week while I was Inking a very important page on a super tight deadline and died on me at the worse time.

I mean it's not uncommon while drawing for the odd Pen to go dry, but this feels like an unlucky and large amount, no?

Tuesday, 11 April 2023

Teamwork And Tentacle Monsters.

Hope everyone had a good Easter break this weekend just gone. I spent my Easter watching War Films on TV and inking a giant Tentacle Monster (is that a normal way to spend a bank holiday weekend? I don't even know anymore.)

Speaking of inking... it's super enraging when you're working on an important piece of Artwork with a very tight deadline and all your Pens decide to start giving out and running dry in union, like they're working as a team or something. So frustrating.

Thursday, 6 April 2023

How My Day Is Going.

I got water in my Ear this morning while taking a Shower and now everyone sounds like a Dalek to me today.

That... plus the never ending popping is driving me mad.

Sunday, 2 April 2023

Back To The Jungle.

Just because we're over a quarter of the way through 2023 so far (which seems crazy), and I haven't posted a single 'Pith Helmet' themed bit of Art yet... So to fix that, here's a colour version of a previous panel, from a short Sci-Fi story I did recently, about an Explorer Lady on a far away Jungle Planet.

As for me, I'm really looking forward to getting back out into Nature this Spring. It's been a long, cold, crappy Winter, and as soon as the Weather starts to improve and Spring starts to kick in, I'm planning on taking some much needed Hikes and getting back outside.