Tuesday, 24 January 2023

Art That'll Put Hair On Your Chest.

Just to follow up on my last 'Work In Progress' post with another update shot today.

I pencil very lightly, which isn't ideal for Photos. But hopefully you'll get some kind of an idea of where I'm at with this new Pin-Up.

I think it's safe to say I'm back doing another 'War Comic' themed piece of Artwork this week.

Thursday, 19 January 2023

Inner Peckinpah.

I'm currently drawing the most 'Gung Ho' 'Trigger Happy' piece of Art I've done for a while now at the moment. I'm really channeling my inner 'Sam Peckinpah' this week.

Sunday, 8 January 2023

Talk Like An Alien.

I have to say, some of the 'Hand Lettering' I've been doing on my latest Comic Art is getting pretty experimental at the moment. I'm actually really enjoying the challenge of trying to depict an Alien Languages (or at least the noise an Animal from another world might make).

Without jinxing it, I think it might be some of the best lettering I've ever done in my work.

Monday, 2 January 2023

The Wrong End Of Christmas.

While many people might call this period we're in now 'New Year', I'll always think of it as 'The Wrong End Of Christmas'.

That part of the year at the beginning when you have to finish up all Boxsets and stop the binging. All the good Christmas food is long gone and now you have to deal with all the crappy stuff you put off from the end of last year and get back to reality.