Tuesday, 29 November 2022

The Write Stuff.

Among other things, 2022 is undoubtedly the year I really got into Hand Lettering my artwork (although I haven't yet posted much of it on this blog yet, and need to do so). 

I have to say I really notices this most while writing out my Christmas Cards the other night. The text inside really felt like a step up from previous years and looked a lot better.

I guess it turns out doing your Christmas Cards is an excellent excuse for practicing your Penmanship and working on your Lettering Style if you're a Comic Book Artist.

Sunday, 27 November 2022

Cramming For Christmas.

It's that frustrating yearly time again, when you know the year is almost done, and you just wanna slow down, switch off, and see out the rest of the year and relax a little.

But then another part of you also just wants to cram in and get done as much as you can before the year ends. See if you can achieve something before midnight on 31st of December and you're back at square one again.

Am I the only one who regularly gets this yearly angst?

Tuesday, 22 November 2022

Piths And Crackers.

Just because in the Jungle (even an otherworldly one on the other side of deep Outer-Space), there's two things every good Explorer needs. A solid sturdy Pith Helmet... And a baggy full of Crackers...

Monday, 14 November 2022

Picking Over The Bones.

One thing thing I learned from drawing this above panel is that it turns out making up strange Alien remains off the top of your head is actually kind of fun.

I also weirdly really like the way the Socks turned out in this Frame for some reason and the kneeling pose I got out of this character.

Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Intergalactic Insects.

Just because legally I think I have to post a picture of a massive disgusting Space-Bug every so often on this Blog. 

You'll gonna need a super large rolled up Newspaper to kill an Intergalactic Insect that big.

Tuesday, 1 November 2022

The Greedy Dead.

Since Halloween has both come and gone now, and spoilers are no longer a worry, I think I'm just gonna quickly post the line-free Colour Artwork of my other Zombie as well, for folks to enjoy.

My favourite bit is that I tried to put tiny 'Flesh Chunks' in the blood down his front, to add a creepy extra level of gore. I also spent so long trying to make that one tube of gut in his mouth look really fresh and fleshy.

There's something very grim about a Zombie who's a messy eater. I wanted to hint at this is maybe what he was like before he turned. Just a bit of a greedy slob in life and death.