Tuesday, 27 September 2022

The Paper Jungle.

Decent Comics with a Jungle setting are not easy to find... I feel like their heyday has both sadly come and gone long ago.

But I have to say by far the best Jungle based Comic I've ever seen is easily Kenya by Rodolphe and Leo, which I read the first Volume of over the weekend. Amazing Art and a super intriguing premise for a storyline.

This series doesn't even sadly have a Wiki entry at the moment, but it's really worth looking up and checking out.

I also read some of the old British 60's Jungle comic Kelly's Eye, which had great Artwork, but I couldn't really get into the story.

Friday, 23 September 2022


So sticking with the dead Bug theme... here's a giant Space-Insect being shot and killed with a Ray-Gun for folks to enjoy this weekend.

I'm almost ashamed how long I spent on this frame trying to make the exploding Bug-Eyes extra... shall we say... 'gloopy'.

Monday, 19 September 2022

Dead White Ladybird.

I'm not usually in the habit of posting Photos of dead insects on this blog, as you know (except for that time a few Summers ago when I had a dead Bumblebee hanging in a Spider's Web outside my bedroom window), but I thought I'd share this recent discovery.

While out in the conservatory recently (which just seems to be a place where local bugs go to die), I found the tiny remains of what looks to be a White Ladybird just laying on my Window Sill.  

I kind of wish I could have seen it while it was alive. I've seen plenty of 'Black' Ladybirds in recent years, but never a living White one. I don't know how rare they are in the UK, and to be honest I didn't even know they existed until I found this one and Googled them.

No spoilers... but dead bugs is kind of gonna be a bit of a recurring mini-theme on this Blog over the next couple of weeks. 

Wednesday, 7 September 2022

Crazy For Khaki.

Moral of today's post? Even when I'm not drawing Chicks in Pith Helmets... I'm drawing Chicks in Pith Helmets.

Sunday, 4 September 2022

Weird Summer.

It's been a weird Summer this year...

Waited all Winter long for the Sun to make an appearance and chase away the cold and gloom, and then when it finally did arrive, it was too Hot and Humid to really go out or have any fun in. I spent most of this Summer hiding from the Sun, and when I did brave the heat and go out, most of the places like Parks and stuff were empty of people (who were all probably home, hiding from the Sun).

I can't remember a Summer like it. 

If this Summer was like a Meal in a Restaurant... I'd very much like to send it back for being 'Overcooked'.