Tuesday, 30 August 2022

Ray-Guns Are Cool.

Speaking of Ray-Guns...

I think there's maybe one thing that all Humans on this Planet can agree on... And that is simply this... Ray-Guns are cool as fuckery.

I remember as a Kid, I had this cheap plastic Torch that was shaped like a Ray-Gun that I loved. For some reason the colour palette choice for this device was green and orange (not really very Sci-Fi-Y) and the batteries slid into a slot in the top, like you were loading it up with 'Space Bullets', which was very cool. Admittedly all that would happen when you pulled the trigger was a pretty mediocre Torch Lightbeam would come out, but that and my trusty Metal Red Spud-Gun were two of my favourite toys growing up.  

While once again I have only got done a fraction of the things I was meant to get done over this Summer, one thing I did remember to do while they were available was pick up a load of Water Pistols to use as prop 'Blasters' in a future Ray-Gun themed Art Project. I don't actually know what that idea will look like right now, and have no models lined-up or anything, but at least I'm now fully loaded with 'Space Shooters'.

Friday, 26 August 2022

Deadly Space Hunter.

Remember when I said this was going to be a 'Summer Of Sci-Fi' before going and posting a load of art of Girls in sexy Hats?

So to make up for that, and to get back to all things Cosmic, here's a shot of a guy with a cool looking Ray-Gun (not a single Hat in sight in this frame).

I like that you can go so detailed in Clip Studio that I could even put splashed Mud on his Boots.

Thursday, 18 August 2022

Women Headwear CS Coloured.

The Same Hatted Ladies as yesterday, but this time in glorious colour...

It strange how adding a Hat can totally change the look and feel of the character you're drawing.

I do also like that with colour I could make the Hats look more worn and beat up.

Wednesday, 17 August 2022

Women Headwear CS.

To paraphrase an old saying... "The Hat Makes The (Wo)Man" in today's post as I gather all my recent Hatted Girls together on one page.

I thought I'd take a break from drawing Zombies and Soldiers and so on to do something a bit different with this 'Character Sheet' page. Give myself an excuse to draw some Artwork focusing on women instead.

So I've recently been doodling Ladies wearing different types of Headwear I thought it would be fun to draw.

The Hats on display for anyone who's interested are an old school Pith Helmet (for Ladies who like to adventure), a British Policewoman's Hat (for Ladies who like to enforce the law), an Army style Cap (for tough gurls), and a Nurse's Hat (for Ladies who like to help and heal).

Thursday, 11 August 2022

Policewoman Sketch.

Just to update an old joke for this modern 'woke' age, "What did the Policewoman say to her Stomach?" (if you're juvenile enough, you'll know the punchline).

It's been a long time coming, but I finally got around to drawing a sassy but stern policewoman recently. I've been trying for years to fit a UK Lady Cop into a pin-up, but so far this is the closes I've come. Criminal, huh?

Jeez, a Nurse last week and a Female PC this week... I blame the heat. That said, I blame the heat for a lot of things. I do not thrive in a heatwave, that's for sure.

Sunday, 7 August 2022

Spot The Tipp-Ex Marks.

You know the rules... if you start the week with a sketch of a lovely Nurse, you have to end it with a sketch of a bad-ass girl in an Army Cap. That's just the way it is. I don't make the rules (except in this case, where I clearly have).

For those with 'Eagle Eyes' who zoom in enough, you'll probably be able to see a few blotchy Tipp-Ex stains here-and-there. In my defence it's not just poor penmanship that's the problem, it's also because when I'm drawing on the page above in my Sketch-Pad, the pen often leaks through and leaves nasty black dots for me to deal with when I start a fresh page.

Monday, 1 August 2022

Nurse Sketch.

Just because in this modern self-obsessed self-centred world, there's something genuinely lovely about a Nurse... Who doesn't love a Nurse... They're just so nice and great...

So since the Sun is out and everyone's feeling good this Summer, I hope no one will begrudge me posting something a little tiny bit sexy today? I just had a strong urge to channel my inner 'Good Girl Artists' this weekend, lol, and this is what I came up with.

Honestly... I don't know why I don't draw Nurses more often. 

When I'm walking home I quite often pass this Nurse who lives down my street as she's heading out to work in her uniform (that is to say a 'real' Nurses uniform, not something white-and-tight with a big Red Cross on top... sadly).