Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Bot Banter (A.K.A. Robo-Font).

As part of having to hand-letter a short Sci-Fi strip I'm currently working on, one of the characters I had to do a voice for is a Robot. So I thought rather than lettering him the same as the human characters, I'd have a go at doing my own Robo Font.

A style that's clearly still hand-lettered, but a bit digital. A Font look that lets the reader know that this character has a Robotic sounding voice when he speaks.

Above is what I came up with.

Monday, 16 May 2022

The Computer That Cried Thunder.

I'm not a big fan of the new little Weather Widget that sits at the bottom of the page with Windows now. Partly because it always reminds me how nice and sunny it is out when I'm stuck indoors working on the computer. And partly because if the Mouse Cursor gets anywhere near it, a whole unwanted page of Microsoft News pops up and invades the screen. 

It's also been flashing up little yellow warning signs about Thunderstorms on-and-off all weekend and today, even though I haven't heard a single sinister rumble yet.

That's a lot of Premature Thunder...

Friday, 13 May 2022

This Is Where My Life Is At Right Now.

I'm a little ashamed at how excited I got today after buying two new fancy pens to try out on a project I'm currently working on.

I really wanna try and learn some new 'mark making' skills this year. Get my hands on and try out some really cool weird and whacky Markers and see what I can do with them.

I also got these pens because I really wanna master 'Hand Lettering' and I'm looking for the perfect pen to do that. One that really brings out my Handwriting in a cool graphic style. If anyone has any good recommendations for pens for Comic Book Lettering, I'd love to hear suggestions. 

So anyway... yeah... that's my rocking plan for this forthcoming weekend. Watching Youtube videos on Hand Lettering and breaking in these two new bad boys.

Monday, 9 May 2022

Another Night Of The Living Dead.

I promise myself (maybe even on this very blog), that I wasn't gonna buy any more copies of Night Of The Living Dead... and yet here we are... again...

At this point I'm not even sure how many versions of this film I actually own now. I do remember my first copy was the infamous 'colorized' edition on VHS back in the 90's (ironically bought in the same shop as where I've just got this new Animated one). I also own a couple of the colour remakes, one of which is in 3D. The 30th anniversary edition with newly shot scenes and terrible new soundtrack. And then there's just the numerous copies I own on dvd as it's often thrown in on boxsets because it's Public Domain.   

The really frustrating thing is I actually don't own a really nice high-res Blu-Ray copy with super great picture quality, so there's no point telling myself this is the last time I'll buy this flick, as I know I'd just be lying to myself.

Wednesday, 4 May 2022

Choose Your Weapon.

Today is an inking day... and I'm ready for battle.