Fun Fact: This is my second go at writing this blog post after a sudden Power Cut killed my first try right as I was about to finish it.
I don't think I've actually said what's on the cards so far for 2022 yet, so this update is just me putting that right and letting people know what to expect in the coming months and what art I'm working on.
But first I'd like to give a quick big 'thank you' to everyone and anyone who showed my recent War themed artwork some love recently. It was nice to finally be able to put it out online and let people see what I've been working on. Admittedly the timing wasn't great, what with the War in Ukraine (proving once and for all that I have cursed timing in life). But I have to say I think the work went down better than I thought it would, which is great, and I hope people enjoyed seeing me tackle that genre and doing something new. I do have plans to do more War themed art down the line.
And as for future projects, over the Summer I'll be doing some more Science Fiction themed Art. I already have something on the go right now that I'm enjoying drawing a lot as I get to do giant Space-Bugs and Ray-Guns (which are two of the coolest things to draw). As well as another secret 'Cosmic Horror' pin-up I hope to share very soon. So if you thought you were gonna have an Alien free Summer, think again.
I also wouldn't mind trying to fit in another 'Model And Monsters' pin-up soon too, as it's been a while. But as always, that would be about hooking up with a model who could fit me into her schedule.