Saturday, 27 November 2021

Crimson Snores.

Oof... You know you've had hardcore dental work done when you wake up the next morning and your Pillow is covered in dozens of tiny little blood droplets you must have breathed out over night.

My mouth still really hurts just from having to hold it open nonstop yesterday for a whole hour, let alone the itchy raw gums and ridiculously sensitive aching teeth.

Thursday, 18 November 2021

Colourful Adventures.

Just had time this week to give my random girl in a Pith Helmet pic a quick colour job for fun.

I'm really hoping 2022 will involve a return to the Jungle at some point next year. Although it's hard to make any kind of future plans right now with everything that's going on and all the craziness. But hopefully the 'Call Of The Wild' won't go unanswered in 2022. 

We'll see...

Tuesday, 2 November 2021

Tentacle Terror Returns... Briefly.

For those that still wish it was Halloween, here's the line artwork to my Space 1999 Pin-Up from this spooky weekend just gone. Another chance to relive the tentacle terror that befell the crew of the Ultra Probe (RIP) on their way to the tenth planet.

I know some people are more about the linework rather than the colour when it comes to Comic Book Art these days.
And please remember... If I ever forget to post the black and white artwork here on my blog (and I often do), you can always find it lurking somewhere on my Devaintart page.