I love how everybody just 'ups' their horror game at Halloween at this time of year. It's so fun to see everyone dressing up as Vampires and Ghouls and getting their creep on.
A big thank you to every one who's shown my recent Space 1999 Pin-up some love over the past 48-hours. It was fun to get to do a bit of dark Sci-Fi this October.
So Happy Halloween, everyone, and hope people are still having some fun this October, even if the shadow of Covid means most people are having a scaled back one this year. It's still just nice to have an excuse to watch some horror movies and eat some treats. Hopefully Friday's unexpected massive injection of Tentacles has helped brighten your Halloween Weekend.
I don't think we're back to having normal style Halloweens just yet, but I do think there is spooky fun still to be had. Even if it is still mainly home-based and online for now.