Monday, 22 February 2021

Mr Cleanly.

I've notices in recent weeks and months, I've started cutting my nails more often now. Trying to keep them nice and short so Corona germs can't find their way under them and wait for their chance to attack.

Also after going out shopping or walking, when I get back, after washing my hands, I often like to wash with antibacterial soap around my eyes, nostrils and the sides of my mouth now, so Corona germs can't slowly crawl into my eyes and nose and lay tiny Corona eggs in them (or whatever they do once they're inside you...).

Thursday, 18 February 2021

Sgt Sassy.

I'm kind of jumping back-and-forth between projects right now, as I have a lot on my plate. But I thought give a quick update on my forthcoming War Pin-up. 

This Drill Sergeant character doesn't really have a name as he's more of a background character, but I've been calling him Sgt Sassy. Both because of his 'hands-on-hips' attitude, and because I was always a fan of characters with cool 'sergeant' names growing up, like Sgt Slaughter and Sgt Fury.

Sunday, 14 February 2021

Sad Times.

You know things are grim when all you wanted for your Birthday was a haircut and you couldn't have one, and legally you're not allowed to find new love for Valentines Day.