Sunday, 31 May 2020

Corona Vs Hay Fever.

My eyes are so red and sore from Hay Fever right now and I have a constant sniffle going on lately. I was hoping being stuck indoors might help reduce my Hay Fever this year, but that’s not really proving to be the case so far, sadly.

The only upside to this is, I’m hoping any corona germs trying to enter my body this Summer will be washes away in a stream of tears and snot, as my face turns into a human waterslide and repels them.

Friday, 29 May 2020

Dual Wielding Pistols.

Been really getting back into first-person shooter games in 2020. So much so, I think it’s starting to show in my artwork.

This current image is only in the lay-out stage so far, but hopefully you can tell it’s meant to be a really action packed scene.

Monday, 18 May 2020

If In Doubt, Ask The Internet.

I know it’s more a question that should wait until colder weather and darker nights. More a riddle for Halloween time, maybe. But I have to ask… does anyone know a good way of attaching Vampire Fangs?

I have prop fangs… I have real canine teeth… but I’m struggling to bring them together.

I stocked up on a few pair of Fangs last Halloween for any future Vampire project I might wanna do (although all attempts to do any new Vampire artwork has so far been pretty disastrous), but I notices none of the packaging tells you how to attach them or keep them in.

I had read online someone suggesting chewing gum as a good fang adhesive, but I can assure you, all it does is gunk up the inside of your fang, and doesn’t stay put.

So any safe and easy secret tips would be very welcome, if people know? If you’ve fanged up in the past, how did you keep your spiked chompers in?

Friday, 15 May 2020

Horrors Of Lockdown.

Living in lockdown these past couple of months has felt like living in a horror movie at times.

One thing that always unsettles me a little is when I’m working in my room with the window open, and all I can hear is the noise of people walking by outside violently coughing and hacking up. 

It’s not as bad as the sound of a group of Zombies clawing at your front door or something, but it still leaves me feeling uneasy at how many people are currently sick. And how many times the outside of my house is regularly dusted with potential Covid-19 germs.

As if to prove the point, even as I write this very blog post, I can hear the sound of someone outside coughing and spluttering.

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Now With Added Danger.

I had to print out some artwork over the weekend for my portfolio and decided I couldn’t have my Judge Death pin-up without the Danger sign on the front of the tub. So I’ve rejigged it to (hopefully) work in black and white.

I wasn’t sure at first, but I think it actually looks ok in solid black. You can still make out the rust and peel effect on the letters.