Tuesday, 31 March 2020

The Burning.

Found out the hard way today that if you touch your sweaty face with hands you’ve recently just uses Hand-Sanitizer on, it burns like hell…

It was like my cheeks were on fire or something.

At least it’s a quick and affective way to test and make sure your Hand-Sanitizer contains Alcohol, though.

Friday, 20 March 2020

Remain Indoors.

I am not looking forward to the coming weeks as the ‘eye of the Corona Virus storm’ hits the UK.

For a start, I’ve got nothing to connect me to the outside world and the rest of the human-race in the foreseeable future but a really old and out-of-date laptop, and poor internet services that’s getting more unreliable with each passing day.

If things gets too bad, I’m considering drawing a face on a Volleyball for company like Tom Hanks in Cast Away.

On the upside, though, at least I’ve got no excuses for not staying in and drawing now.

I’m also wondering why I’m watching so many classic outbreak movies recently too. During the last couple of weeks, I’ve watched Rabid (1977), The Crazies (1973) and Impulse (1984). Is it weird to be watching virus movies during a virus?

Sunday, 15 March 2020

Fear The Sun.

Just to follow up on something I posted on Babayka-Lives this weekend…

Babayka Land will be starting up again later in the year. And before then, I’ll be sure to keep posting preview art here on this very blog.

I know from experiences the sunnier it gets, the less people want to spend their time in doors reading a dark scary webcomic about a monstrous people eating old man creature, and his beautiful but deadly Brides.

Although Babayka is NOT a Vampire, the Sun does seem to be his nemesis.

Friday, 13 March 2020

Contagion Movies.

I have to wonder why, when it feels recently like I’m living in a real life outbreak movie (including a scary moment today where I was followed home by a helicopter for some reason), I’ve been watching contagion movies this week?

I watched Impulse earlier in the week, and then my copy of the Crazies last night.

I wonder if subconsciously it’s my mind trying to do some late night research for these troubled times.

Monday, 9 March 2020

The Curse Of Modern Gaming.

I kind of wish modern games wouldn’t tell you how much time you’ve been playing a game when you save these days.

A big part of me doesn’t wanna know I’ve played nearly seventeen hours of Doom 3 recently over the pass three or four weeks.

As someone who doesn’t always find it easy to relax, I do enjoy the ‘sit back and turn your brain off’ nature of videogames. But I always feel great guilt after spending too many hours playing one. I have friends and family who are hardcore gamers, but personally, I’ve always tried to curb my gaming in my adult years.

I’ve notices I have been getting back into First-Person-Shooters a lot this Winter, to escape the cold and crappiness of the last few months.

One thing I’ve discovered about myself recently is in times of stress, I’m the type of person to take it out on digital Imps and Zombies… one shotgun cartridge at a time…