Sunday, 29 September 2019

Things Get Mucky This Halloween.

Previously in SLASH-UPS, we’ve tackled ghoulish Vampires and dangerous Killer Animals, but now it’s time to get dirty this Halloween, as we do Muck-Monsters.

Often found in swamps and bayous, although they can lurk pretty much anywhere, Muck-Monsters are nature’s not so little joke at the human race’s expense. Usually hulking giants of mulch paying a hefty price for messing with unknown science, or just dangerous freaks of nature, who pick off people out in the wild on their own, Muck-Monsters are large nightmarish muddy abominations.

To make sure we’re all on the same page, we should probably lay down some rules and on what constitute a Muck-Monster, as this is a much smaller horror sub-genre than our previous two, and maybe not as well known. Therefore Muck-Monsters must be (A) Monstrous, but usually humanoid in shape. Most Muck-Monsters often start out as humans, who unwittingly end up bonded with nature against their will. And (B), The Muck-Monster must be made up of only organic and natural matter (I.e. dirt… plant life… bones… etc…). Nothing manmade.

These are the basic rules we’re sticking to for this challenge. No Creature From The Black Lagoon style Gill-Men or other monsters that just happen to live in a Swamp like most Muck-Monsters, or are a bit unkempt. No Solomon Grundy or Swamp Zombies either. Just walking creatures made-up of crud.

To celebrate and announce this, we’re releasing a new posters today (which you can see above). And extra nerd points to anyone who can name a famous Muck-Monster that isn’t Swamp Thing or Man-Thing?

So watch your back this forthcoming Halloween, and avoid all boggy ground, as things get mucky.

Sunday, 22 September 2019

Word Search.

I really wish Google had a dictionary setting as an option, as that’s mainly what I use it for now. To check the spelling and meaning of certain words I’m unsure about. And every time I Google a word to make sure it’s right, the first result always seems to be for a weird and obscure company named after whatever word I’m trying to double-check.

Saturday, 14 September 2019

One Last Quirk Of The Summer.

I know the Summer’s over here in England (partly because the other day, an old man shouted at me for being out without a jacket). But I do have one last quirk of the Summer to share. Something I spotted recently that I needed to take a photo of.

Over the Summer, a lamppost near me has been taken over by surrounding weeds and plant life. About ten… maybe twelve foot of lamppost, getting choked by greenery. It’s like something out of Day Of The Triffids. It looks like a prop from a post-apocalyptic movie.

Ok, that’s my last word on all things Summer related… switching to Halloween mode now.

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Blog Lightly.

Been working on a lot of new comic scripts lately. Trying to get new ideas fleshed out and written down, and just trying to figure out how to put together a really good and solid script. Hopefully this should pay off if I do go on to work on horror stories with other artists in the future.

The only downside to this is it’s not very visual, and doesn’t really give me anything exciting to post on my blog right now. Unless folks wanna see photos of a very tired looking guy hunch over a laptop?

This part of the year is also the quiet before the storm that is Halloween.

Friday, 6 September 2019

Faceless Yana.

This is a work-in-progress photo, but even without a face, I think readers can probably guess who it is.