Thursday, 28 February 2019

Barley A Doodle.

This drawing was so quick, it’s barley a doodle. I probably drew it in the time it takes for you to read this current sentences. And although it’s gone now (rub out of existences by an eraser), I thought I’d take a photo of it and post it anyway, as I like it.

Plus it also hints at things to come and something I hope to be doing later in the year. Believe or not, this is actually a new (and very basic) design of an existing character of mine.

Saturday, 23 February 2019

Horror Sub-Genre Suggestions.

Before we very shortly announce the theme of the next SLASH-UPS challenges in the coming weeks, and to get people in the mood, I thought I’d quickly put a shout out for anymore horror sub-genre suggestions readers might like to see?

Volume one had such themes as Killer Dolls (in our case a killer Sex Doll), Zombies (both regular and Pumpkin-Headed) and the slasher genre (where SLASH-UPS gets its name from). But is there any horror sub-genres people think we’re overlooking or missing? Anything people would like to see done in a future edition of SLASH-UPS? Maybe a certain monster or monsters you’d like to see included?

We kicked things off last Halloween by tackling the Vampire Genre, which was a lot of fun, and something I’d like to return to at some point. We’re be getting ‘back to nature’ with our next SLASH-UPS challenge soon. But where from there? Werewolves…? Mummies…? Killer Gnomes…?

Also is there any themes from Volume one people might wanna see again? Currently there’s no plans to bring back any characters from the first book. But we’re open to hearing if people would like to see more of something?

Any and all horror sub-genre ideas and monster requests are welcome, and feel free to get super obscure with your suggestions if you’re a horror nerd. Although I don’t know how we’d tackle something like ‘Mumblegore’ or ‘Cyber Horror’. 

If we see the same names coming up again and again, I might try and make an online poll so people can vote on the most popular ones later in the year.

Sunday, 17 February 2019

Arachnophobia In Colour.

Look away now if you hate either spiders or spoilers or both…

But I thought I’d end the weekend with some coloured spider action from a forthcoming pin-up. A little something to bring out the arachnophobic in all of us this Sunday night.

Sunday, 10 February 2019

Freshly Posted.

For those missing their regular Babayka-Lives weekend action, I should point out I’ve just posted two unlettered pages over on my Deviantart page people can check out HERE and HERE.

Or just simply check the ongoing Babayka-Lives folder on Deviantart HERE.