Thursday, 30 August 2018

Halloween Clue.

With it being the start of September at the weekend, I feel like it’s ok to start getting into Halloween mode now, as the nights start to draw in and the temperature starts to slowly drop.

So with that said, here’s something that came through my letterbox this morning, and another subtle (not so subtle) clue as to the theme of this years Halloween shenanigans. And no it’s not religious, it’s more for keeping these certain beasties away at night.

Friday, 24 August 2018

Bootleg Horror Figures.

I have neither the space or the money to start collecting bootleg horror figures, but I really wish I could. They look like such poisonous toxic fun.

I have this secret fantasy of making a really good BAD Babayka action figure one day.

Thursday, 16 August 2018

There’s Wally.

I always use to think of myself as a one man ‘Where’s Wally’ finding machine. So it’s a little disappointing to know now there really is one.

I find the idea of face recognition technology really scary, and the fact that even Wally isn’t safe now kind of proves my point.

Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Any Gun Can Play.

Every once in a while, I’ll draw a panel that just feels pure western to me. This is my latest.

Believe it or not, there was a time growing up, when I love westerns just as much as horror movies. From classic American cowboy movies to spaghetti westerns, I use to watch so many as a kid.

My love for a good western isn’t gone, but sadly really good cowboy movies are few and far between these days. The last western I really enjoyed was Bone Tomahawk from 2015. Where as with horror, there always seem to be something interesting going on in the genre.

I think Brides Of Babayka is pure horror. While Babayka Land is horror with a little bit of western in there (even if it is set in Russia). Although I don’t think fancy gun-play fits into the Babayka universes or anything, and no one’s wearing a stetson (or any kind of hat).

Thursday, 2 August 2018

Unloved Trashy Vampire Movies.

While I do love a classy Vampire movie like Nosferatu The Vampyre (1979), Martin (1977) or Byzantium (2013) (which was partly filmed in my home town), I have to say I also like the odd trashy Vampire movie. Maybe ones that don’t get nearly as much love from critics, and ain’t as polishes, but still deserve some love.

So here’s a quick and short list off the top of my head of  trashy Vampire films I secretly quite enjoy. A few dumb-fun Vampire movies I like:

Dario Argento’s Dracula (2012): I think one of the reasons I have a soft spot for this movie, is that people don’t usually make Dracula movies like this anymore. While this film maybe has its faults, I give it extra credit for going back to a meaner style Dracula. I don’t like my Dracula as “romantic” or “misunderstood”. Plus with its Asia Argento wash tub scene (every Vampire movie should have at least one wash tub scene… even if the film is set in the future or outer space), and what with the scene when Dracula turns into a giant CGI praying mantis, I do for the most part enjoy this film, I won’t lie.

The Legend Of The Seven Golden Vampires (1974): No Christopher Lee, sadly, but you do get Chinese Vampires and Kung Fu. This was made when Hammer was maybe starting to go out of fashion, but I like the more epic feel to this one. Plus Szu Shih is awesome in it.

Killer Barbys (1996): By far the trashes movie on the list. 90’s Spainish punk band vs. evil Vampire Countess (well… more her crazy henchmen, really). I watch this one again the other night. This might be the one hardest for some people to love, as it does get pretty ropey in parts, but I just have a soft spot for ‘Punks vs. Monsters’ movies. I’m also holding out hope to one day see the sequel, Killer Barbys vs. Dracula.

Razor Blade Smile (1998): Back when a Vampire dress all in skin tight PVC and carrying guns was kind of fresh and new (although personally I‘m not a big fan of Vampires with guns), before Hollywood and Video Games turned it into a cliché. It makes me sad Briton doesn’t make more trashy Vampire movies like this these days. I feel much like costume dramas, it’s one of the things we do best in England.

So that’s my list. But be warned if you choose to watch any of these above Vampire flicks. One man’s guilty pleasure movie is another man’s wasted film night. So tread carefully.