Saturday, 28 July 2018

Halloween In July.

Being a horror comic book writer and artists, I tend to try and make a big deal out of Halloween. People just seem more open to all things horror in the colder months before the new year. Like a masked killer brandishing a kitchen knife… Halloween is a busy time for me and starts way earlier in the year.

I know it might not seem it, but I am busy getting certain things sorted during this unbelievably hot weather. One of those things is making sure I’ve got something special in the bag for Halloween later in the year. I usually set aside some of my summer down time to do this every year, but it always feels weird planning and working on stuff for Halloween in the blazing summer heat. 

I’m sure those of you with a keen eye have probably already pick up on the theme I’m going for this Halloween.

Sunday, 15 July 2018

Fang Face.

I did spend sometime this week cleaning up an old Halloween Vampire mask of mine to use in a future project that’s coming up. And so decided to take a few pictures…

I have to confess, one of the things I wish I had got into when I was younger is mask making. Not that there was youtube tutorials or anything when I was a kid, and I never knew how or what they were made of. But making an awesome horror mask from scratch is on my bucket list… along with actually buying and owning a bucket.

Monday, 9 July 2018

Oddly Apt.

I don’t usually go in for MEME humour… but this one seems oddly apt to me.

I’m just gonna put this here to remind myself (and possible you, too) that society is a fickle and overly demanding mistress that can never really be pleased.

Sunday, 1 July 2018

Copycat Thrillers.

I love the way old horror comics use to just rip each other off so much back in those days when it came to covers. 

And whatever happened to couples peril?