Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Hang In There.

I can say nothing about this photo as it’s something secret I’m currently working on.

Kind of looks a bit like a new faux comic logo, though, no? What kind of comic would have a comic logo like this?

I find Bats strangely adorable in their own kind of way.

Friday, 25 May 2018

Femme Fun In The Sun.

Thanks to everyone who came out for the opening night party last Friday. It was a bitching turn out.

I’m actually thinking this will probably be my last art show for a little while now, so I can get back to concentrating on my sequential work with the odd pin-up on the side. I do like art shows, but I’m a publisher at heart, truth be told. Watching people sip booze and eye-up my hanging artwork makes me very nervous. Given the choice, I’d pick my art on the page over the gallery wall any day. But it is fun to have the odd show.

I would like to quickly clear up one question I’ve been asks a lot recently. Yes, all the artwork in the Violent Femmes exhibition is new. There’s nothing in there from last year’s Halloween SLASH-UPS show. It’s all new stuff. It’s more Brides heavy artwork this time around, with zero Babayka (to fit the femme fatale theme of the show), as well as a couple of fun side project pin-ups in the Mature corner. With Mercedes The Muse as Rose from Troma’s Rose And Viktor: No Mercy. And a sneak peek at a secret new pin-up I’m currently working on. I can assure everyone it is not the same show as last years.

Here’s a couple of photos of what people can expect for those brave enough to enter the crypt during the next couple of weeks (Fun Fact: Crypts are surprisingly cool during the hot weather, as I found out when I had to hang my art on a super hot sunny day recently.)

Also, I have tried to make sure there’s new Babayka-Lives action going on during the show‘s run, just before its summer break. So tune in this weekend, as the mercenaries complete the first part of their mission.

Thursday, 17 May 2018

Back In The Crypt.

Like a ghoul, I have returned.

I wonder what kind of qualifications you need to be a Crypt Keeper? I bet I’d look great in a dusty habit.

Saturday, 12 May 2018

Opening Night Party.

While the Violent Femmes art show does open next weekend, folks will be able to get an early peek at the show on the Friday night before, at the opening night party.

With bands, a bar, and the official opening of the Violent Femmes art show, it promises to be a fun packed night.

People will also be able to buy copies of Brides Of Babayka and Babayka Land: Part 1 from Hastings own comic peddlers Wow and Flutter, who will be at the event also. As well as other sequential delights, no doubt.

So if booze, comics, live music and an art show in a real life crypt are your kind of thing, please feel free to join us. All are invited.

Doors open at 7:30-PM this coming Friday the 18th.

Also just a reminder that Babayka-Lives has also returned, with a new update this very weekend.

Sunday, 6 May 2018

The Fly Catcher.

I know it’s a weird thing to brag about… but I caught two flies in the same bug trapper yesterday. I know that might not seem like much to some, but if you saw how fast these two little bastards were buzzing around my room, and how small my bug catcher is, you’d give me a medal.

I never thought I was going to catch one, let alone two at the same time.

And yes… for those wondering, I did release them back outside alive and safe (hence why I use a bug-catcher and not a rolled up newspaper).

Friday, 4 May 2018

Babayka Land Continues.

Just a quick reminder that Babayka-Lives continues tomorrow, as we head to the Anton family farm.