I wanted to do a pin-up that was aimed somewhere between a comic-book pin-up, and a classic Grindhouse movie poster, with maybe a little bit of Frank Miller’s Sin City thrown in there. I’m pretty happy with the design and layout of this image, but for anybody wondering, I did have to draw and ink the female character (Rose) twice. I know a lot of artist would have just cut-n-paste the first drawing, then moved it over, but I did it the hard way with a light-box. I also dread to think how long I spent on that epic tash (considering no one’s going to be looking at it, they’ll all be looking at the cute girl in the thong above.)
I was a little nervous, as this was my first time doing a sexy pin-up actually base on a real person, who would then be seeing it when it‘s done, but I’m glad to say I got a thumbs up from Mercedes about how I depicted her character Rose, which was a relief, as I didn’t fancy having to redraw her for a forth time. Over all I had fun doing this pin-up, and it’s always good to promote indy comic-book series. It’s been a while since I’ve done a non-Babayka related piece of artwork, so enjoy.
For more details on both the movie and comic of Rose And Viktor, you can find details and links on their site: www.roseandviktor.com