Thursday, 28 January 2016

Rose And Viktor Pin-up.

So here’s the pin-up I’ve been working on of late and you saw hints of in my last blog post. I was approach by the lovely Mercedes The Muse to do a pin-up for the forthcoming Rose And Viktor comic-book, based on her Grindhouse style movie of the same name. You can see my take on her characters above.

I wanted to do a pin-up that was aimed somewhere between a comic-book pin-up, and a classic Grindhouse movie poster, with maybe a little bit of Frank Miller’s Sin City thrown in there. I’m pretty happy with the design and layout of this image, but for anybody wondering, I did have to draw and ink the female character (Rose) twice. I know a lot of artist would have just cut-n-paste the first drawing, then moved it over, but I did it the hard way with a light-box. I also dread to think how long I spent on that epic tash (considering no one’s going to be looking at it, they’ll all be looking at the cute girl in the thong above.)    

I was a little nervous, as this was my first time doing a sexy pin-up actually base on a real person, who would then be seeing it when it‘s done, but I’m glad to say I got a thumbs up from Mercedes about how I depicted her character Rose, which was a relief, as I didn’t fancy having to redraw her for a forth time. Over all I had fun doing this pin-up, and it’s always good to promote indy comic-book series. It’s been a while since I’ve done a non-Babayka related piece of artwork, so enjoy.

For more details on both the movie and comic of Rose And Viktor, you can find details and links on their site:

Sunday, 24 January 2016

T & A (Thongs And Axes.)

With my birthday at the start of next month, and then Babayka-Lives returning on the 20th, I get the feeling next month’s gonna be a busy one for me. But before all the chaos that is February 2016 begins, I’m hoping to fit in a quick pin-up before then.

Can’t say too much about it just yet, but to wet your appetites, here’s the rough figure layout for one of the characters. I’m aiming for a sleazy, sin city, grindhouse style vibe to this image.  

Hopefully more details (and maybe the odd photo) to follow soon.

Friday, 15 January 2016

Rumour Has It.

Just a quick post today to say rumour has it the start date of Babayka Land might be going up on Babayka-Lives this Saturday (If a certain someone can find a spare 10-minutes tomorrow to convert his big photoshop file into a nice, smaller, web-friendly jpeg file that is…)

For those keen to find out the return date of Babayka-Lives, I think it might be worth your while checking out the site this weekend, that’s all I’m saying. You might even get another brief glimpse of forthcoming Book Two artwork, too, if you’re lucky. Who knows.

Friday, 8 January 2016

Bloody Gif.

This is a Gif I made a while ago to advertise my webcomic Babayka-Lives. I had it up on my deviantart page throughout 2014, and partly into 2015, and people seemed to like it, so since deviantart no longer lets non paying members post Gifs on their profile page, I thought I’d just simply post it here on my blog instead. Bring it back to celebrate Babayka-Lives return next month.  

The scene itself is taken from the second chapter of Brides Of Babayka, and the death of Ben Plug, with Alina getting hit by some unexpected crimson backsplash.

And if that wasn’t enough of a treat, I’m also gonna drop the rumour that there’s a good choice I’ll be posting the exact return date of Babayka-Lives, and the start of Babayka Land next Saturday (the 16th) exclusively over on next week, so watch this space. Well… THIS SPACE.

Sunday, 3 January 2016

For Those That Tumble.

Before Babayka-Lives returns next month, I thought I’d quickly put a call out for readers with Tumblrs to consider maybe subscribing.

I kind of feel by this point, those who have read the entirety of Brides Of Babayka, most of them by now would have decided if Babayka-Lives is a web-series they’re into or not, and if they’ll be returning for more of Babayka’s sinister escapades in 2016.

The majority of my webcomic readership are incognito, and no doubt always will be. That’s just the nature of posting stuff online. Everybody on the internet ‘lurks’ once in a while (myself included, so no judgement.) But for those that tumble, and ain’t afraid to come out the Babayka-Lives reader’s closet and show a little support, maybe consider hitting that subscribe button in the top right-hand corner at some point over the next few weeks. Right now, people who subscribe via Tumblr and Tapastic are the only readers I can put a name, or sometimes a face to. Well… I say name and face… but usually it’s some weird username and a picture of their cat or favourite cartoon character, but it’s still a reader to me, and I’m still grateful for the support, so please do tap that subscribe button.

As many of you have probably seen, I’ve posted a teaser page for new artwork for Book Two: Babayka Land yesterday. As mentioned on that teaser page, Babayka-Lives returns next month. I’ll be posting the exact start date exclusively on Babayka-Lives itself in the coming future, so keep a beady eye on the site for that.

A big thank you in advance to any and all that do kindly subscribe. I look forward to seeing all your wacky usernames and pussy pics.

Saturday, 2 January 2016

Babayka Land Teaser Page.

Happy New Year, everyone. Hope you all had a good Xmas\New Year.

Speaking of 2016... As seen in the teaser trailer page above, readers won’t have to wait that much longer for the start of Book Two: Babayka Land. I’m aiming to start posting pages as early as next month, but keep an eye on Babayka-Lives, as I’ll post the exact return date on the site soon. Readers officially have just over a month to either catch up and finish Book One, or give the first book a reread in preparation for the second one.  

Babayka Land is the second story arc following Brides Of Babayka. This teaser page is a sneak peek at what to expect. Book Two returns to the wastelands that play home to Babayka’s evil lair, but who would be foolish enough to take a trip into Babayka Land? Find out very shortly, as the hunt is on for Babayka in 2016.

So catch Book Two: Babayka Land soon at, Or treat yourself and up your Babayka geek cred in 2016 by buying the Brides Of Babayka graphic-novel (with ten pages of extras and book exclusive pin-ups and colour cover) HERE. All sales go towards making Babayka Land happen. A reminder you can also both help the Babayka -Lives series, and pick up an awesome art-print over on my deviantart page HERE. Prints now also include Yana Action Figure artwork and Babayka character sheet art.