Friday, 29 April 2011

Bad Weather.

Been a busy old week, this week. For example:

*Managed to cut myself shaving with an Electric-shaver. Didn’t even think that was possible and was strangely proud of myself after doing it.

*Read From Hell (a five hundred plus page graphic novel) in under a week. Is this some kind of record? Do I get a medal for this?

*In my ongoing hunt for decent Podcasts to play when I’m drawing, I’ve now become hooked on Desert Island Discs. I’ve listened to so many episodes over the last couple of days. I can recommend looking it up on iTunes and raiding their archives. Also started to listen to Adam And Joe Show and wondering why I hadn’t before.

*Finally gave in and bought a copy of Not Quite Hollywood. Great documentary and after watching it, now realise I have to hunt down a copy of Howling 3. It looks like the best\worst Werewolf movie of all time.

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Sandwich And A Nice Sit Down.

Finally got back into the swing of things this week. The first day was a bit shaky, and I’m still a bit slow at the moment, but I’m happy to say I am back at the drawing-board. Doing something a little different at the moment, looking forward to showing my results at some point down the line. But for now here a new panel. I spent ages doing this shot. Trying to get the figure work of a man sitting on a box eating a sandwich just right. I think I did ok in the end. I enjoyed doing this panel.

It’s Easter and I have no chocolate egg. In fact I can’t remember the last time I eat a proper chocolate egg. It must be years-and-years now. They’re one of those things you just have to let go once you become an adult, right? They’re like crappy, novelty socks at Christmas. You have to be given them, you can’t buy them for yourself. If I went out tomorrow and bought my own Easter Egg, that would be breaking some kind of Easter rule, right? It’s like when I’m out shopping and I walk past the birthday cakes and a part of me wants to buy one, as I love birthday cake. But I imagine it’s illegal to buy a birthday cake when it’s not anyone’s birthday. What if the girl on the till started asking questions? What if the law found out? That and I don’t want it to all go a bit Brian Wilson.

Monday, 18 April 2011

Your Pixels Are Showing.

Saw this on Dread Central this morning, which kind of sums up in a nice timely way what I was saying about CGI yesterday. I disliked I Am Legend when I saw it in the cinema for more then just the piss-poor CGI vampires. But when those piss-poor CGI Vampires turned up, it’s one of the only times I’ve ever felt embarrassed for a movie. To have a budget that big and that many people working on your film and then have those turn up as your monsters. I’m not saying that mask would have made it an amazing film, but I’m a lot more forgiving if a horror movie at least has a decent monster in it.

I Am Legend the novel is one of my favourite books of all time and probably shaped modern horror more then people give it credit for. It’s a shame that none of the three films based on it have ever come close to really doing it justices. That said, The Last Man On Earth is by far the best. As much as I love Vincent Price, it maybe hard to think of him as an everyman like the character from the book. But the film itself is still very much worth a look and the closes you’ll get to a decent adaptation. A lot of people consider it the first modern Zombie movie these days.

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Brain Drought.

Thought I’d leave the word balloon on this shot, as it gives little hints to a sub-plot I’ve got going on in this story. Does anybody else think CGI is a little soulless…? Just me…? Don’t get me wrong, I like it when it’s well done. But too much CGI in something makes it look more like a videogame or something.

It’s no secret I’ve been going through a very non-creative patch this last month. My pencil has been sitting in my Joker mug (that’s 80’s Jack Nicholson, Joker) on my desk gathering dust. I’ve been filling up pages and pages of sketch-book with thumbnails, but they’ve been mostly rubbish ideas. I’ve had days when I’ve convinced myself I’ve thought of a good idea, only for it to slowly dawn on me that it was crap and going nowhere. In many ways I guess I really needed a rest, but I feel like shit if I go too long without drawing. Hopefully I’ve turned the corner on this, as I’ve finally come up with a short project I want to work on. Something I want to get behind and try and flesh out. That said, I’m only at the thumbnailing stage so far, and it’s coming together… just very, very slowly. Fingers crossed this isn’t another false start. I had the idea a few days ago and I’m still excited about it, which is a good sign.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

The Return.

Just about recovered from the weekend now. Was a great Con and luckily I managed not to spend too much on Comics. Was also lucky that the good weather did hold out and the Trains and Tubes were all working fine. Could have done with more sleep before the event, but I was still standing by the end… just. Also good to see some old friends and catch up, and be amongst the nerdy and all things geek.

I say I’ve recovered but I’ve spent the last few days sleeping loads and just watching DVDs. I finally got round to seeing Bad Biology last night. Such a good film. I felt a lot better after watching it. A film I’d highly recommended.

I’ll finish up by posting a new panel. This shot always makes me smile. I like the look I got on the old guy's face.

Friday, 8 April 2011

There Will Be Blood.

I’m more or less all ready for tomorrow. Really looking forward to it and hopefully it’ll be an awesome day. Also looking forward to catching up with old friends and getting back into the Con scene. I’m not so much looking forward to getting up stupidly early tomorrow morning to catch my train, however. Just hoping this good weather last one more day.

I realize lately this blog is a lot like an 80’s cut copy of a Video Nasty. I may be working on a horror comic, but there isn’t loads of nasty stuff until the third and forth issue, which I’m about to start. The few gory scenes in the first issues give too much of the storyline away, if I was to post them. But I have found this one shot with a lot of blood flying around, just to prove it is a horror comic. Just to prove nasty things will be happening. I’m really looking forward to drawing some of the twisted stuff that comes next.

Hmmm, better sign off and start getting my stuff ready for tomorrow. I have to get up so early, I wonder if it’s even worth trying to go to sleep tonight?

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

The Milky Bar Kid Sketch.

Bought a load of Red Nose Day videos off iTunes this year as my way of donating to Comic Relief (as well as buying a lot of their novelty crisps.) It was a good chance to finally get my hands on a copy of The Curse Of The Fatal Death, which for many years has only been available on youtube. Also bought a copy of this years Doctor Who special, and a load of Alan Partridge stuff. The sketch I keep watching is ‘The Milky Bar Kid’ one. It’s a classic. I laugh so hard every time I watch it. I couldn’t find a decent copy on you tube, but stick with it, it’s well worth it. I can also highly recommend this year’s Alan Partridge one. Also on the look out for this old Borat sketch, too.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Bad Habit.

This seems like a good panel to end the week on.

Still lacking in any good ideas lately. But on the plus side I’m feeling a little more energized now. I’ve been going flat out since Christmas, so maybe a break isn’t a bad idea. I’m hoping to go to my first Comic-con in ages next weekend and meet up with some old friends, so I’ve got plenty on my plate. So this coming week will be me trying to get work together for my portfolio and sorting out all the little details. That said, I would like to get some artwork underway this week at some point. How long can this brain drought last? I always wonder what other people do when they’re feeling less then creative. Is there a quick fix I’m missing out on?

P.S. for anybody wondering, I did buy Video Nasties in the end and it’s brilliant.