*Managed to cut myself shaving with an Electric-shaver. Didn’t even think that was possible and was strangely proud of myself after doing it.
*Read From Hell (a five hundred plus page graphic novel) in under a week. Is this some kind of record? Do I get a medal for this?
*In my ongoing hunt for decent Podcasts to play when I’m drawing, I’ve now become hooked on Desert Island Discs. I’ve listened to so many episodes over the last couple of days. I can recommend looking it up on iTunes and raiding their archives. Also started to listen to Adam And Joe Show and wondering why I hadn’t before.
*Finally gave in and bought a copy of Not Quite Hollywood. Great documentary and after watching it, now realise I have to hunt down a copy of Howling 3. It looks like the best\worst Werewolf movie of all time.