Been going through a big Stephen King craze lately. Spent the last part of 2010 buying and watching a lot Stephen King TV movies like Salam Lot, IT and The Stand. Also over Christmas I read Danse Macabre, his non-fiction book on horror. Also got a Stephen King DVD boxset off my brother for Xmas. I just wanted Maximum Overdrive, but could only get it as part of a boxset (which was fine as the other movies were ok and the boxset was pretty cheap.) Maximum Overdrive is maybe seen as a bit of a flop by many, but I have to say I have a soft spot in my heart for this film. Ok, it starts a lot better then it ends. It starts big and runs out of steam in the last third of the film, but it has its moments. King himself has said he was on a lot of coke at the time and didn’t know what he was doing, which I could believe after watching the trailer (which is fast becoming one of my favourite trailers of all time, and is by far scarier then the film itself.) Reading Danse Macabre over Xmas, I’d love to see a second one. Danse Macabre covers films, books and TV from roughly King’s lifetime I.e. 50’s, 60’s and 70’s as the book was published in 81. I’d love to read King’s take on recent horror films, TV shows and books from the 80’s 90’s and 00’s. I got such a buzz out of reading it and hope one day there is a follow up.