Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Thumbnails Of Things To Come.

Some thumbnails of an image I’m just finishing at the moment. Decided to do some pin ups to flesh out my portfolio a bit and just have some fun, as I haven’t done any full-scale images for well over a year now. Certainly not since I’ve started this blog last year anyway.

I’ll hopefully post the finished images in a day or two and you can see what it looks likes completed. I was thinking of posting the thumbnails late last week but some how posting them before I’d even started the drawing seemed like tempting fate so I held them back until it was more or less done and I wouldn’t regret mentioning it if it had all gone tits up when it came to drawing the thing.

Friday, 26 September 2008

Dry Brush.

So the scene called for the lead two characters to come across a blood trail outside a cave. When it came to the shot of the blood I wanted to have smeary, natural look to it and after thumb-nailing the scene I racked my brains on how to pull that effect off. My first thought would be by laying down the ink with something other then a brush. An object like a screw or the other end of the brush itself (which would have been messy to clean up afterwards but anyway). I had a couple of tries before hand but nothing really seemed to work. It was only a small shot but I wanted it to feel sinister and real. I can’t remember how I came round to the idea of using the ‘Dry Brush’ technique. Not really a style I’ve tried before when inking. I’ve always liked it in other peoples work when used well i.e. artist like Sean Phillips and so on. It maybe lost a little of it effect through being scanned but I was happy with the result and see in what other ways the dry brush technique can be used in my inking style in the future. I’ve got a couple of ideas lined up I want to try out. Will post any successful ones in the future and burn and cry over images that don’t.

Sunday, 21 September 2008

Yum, Yum.

Couple more shots today from my most recent short story. Eating grub around the Bonfire with your Spork.

Friday, 19 September 2008

Garbage Pail Kids.

HA HA HA!!! I used to love these things. When we were kids my brother and me used to buy a pack each after church on a Sunday. The gross picture and the weird smell the card used to give off used to make me feel sick when I used to look at them. Plus the dry bit of gum you used to get with each pack, which didn’t look edible.

I’m hoping one day they’ll collect all the old 80’s Garbage Pail Kids cards and release them in an art book or something. They were a thing of beauty…in a really, really ugly kind of a way.

Sunday, 14 September 2008

Shorts In Court.

Who would have thought wearing short shorts in court would get you locked up? Some how I’d bet if it had been a male Judge, she might have gotten away with it.


Friday, 12 September 2008

Carry On Camping.

I guess my camping trip a couple of months ago must of stayed with me on some level as I wrote a short scene in my latest story taking place around a bonfire. Well actually we weren’t allowed to make a bonfire as freezing as it was so maybe not. If I was really basing it on my trip I’d have a guy fully clothed wrapped up in a sleeping bag trying to read a book by wine up torch while he’s eating Nik-Naks. But on some level I’m sure that was where I was coming from with this scene.

This first shot was one of the first images I thought of when loosely thumb nailing the story. Nothing says post apocalyptic story like having a bonfire in the ruins of an old abandoned house.

Thursday, 11 September 2008

River Crossing.

Nothing-manlier then crossing a river waist deep with your riffle held above your head………. Well expect maybe ripping a phone book in half while riding a motorbike with a blindfold on. But, errrr I haven’t drawn that image.

Sunday, 7 September 2008


Don’t often have a chance to draw people smiling in comics. Let alone drawing smiling Aliens.