Friday, 29 August 2008


The following image is probably the most ambitious shot from my latest short story. Certainly the largest panel from the whole story. I wanted a really strong action image, which is what I was going for with this. Have to say with all the panicking and planning that went into this shot, it actually came together a lot quicker then I thought it would. This usually seems to be the way when your drawing Comics. And then panels that you thought were going to be quick and easy to draw tend to turn out to be nightmares in the end. Not that drawing this was a walk in the park but I kind of knew what I wanted to get out of this shot which always makes it a lot easier. This was one of the first things I had to draw for this strip so there wasn’t a lot of sitting around dreading it. Luckily it wasn’t a long period from drawing the thumbnail to having to draw the final image itself.

Speaking of thumbnails I thought I’d also put up the thumbnail from this image as I haven’t done that for a while and I keep meaning too. I don’t think I change very much if anything from the original first quick sketch.

When this is lettered the guy at the front will be shouting something useful and relevant to the plot, but to me he’ll always be screaming “Five rounds rapid.” If you didn’t get that reference it’s probably for the best I’d say.

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Stand Off.

Been looking online a lot lately at the new Mortal Kombat Vs DC game. Does this mean your going to be able to yank Superman head off complete with spinal cord? That going to be strange to watch. Seeing Wonder Woman having her heart ripped out. The Flash having his........ yeah I can't really remember any of the other old Mortal Kombat death moves to be honest.

Friday, 22 August 2008

Hobo Humpin’.

Another shot from the strip I’m working on at the moment. Got a fair bit done in the end this week. Not as much as I’d of liked but at least what I had planned to do. Also thought I’d post this video I came across last night. They used to play it a lot in the mid-90’s when it first came out but you never hear it anywhere’s now. I’ve had this song stuck in my head for years and never knew who it was or what it was called. Which is strange as you’d of thought I’d remember a song title like Hobo humpin’ Slobo babe.

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

That The Plan Anyway.

Thought I’d post another new panel today. Hoping to really get a chance to get some artwork done this week. It’s cold and wet outside so I’ve no particular urge to leave the house or anything.

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Comix Zone.

Can’t remember if I actually played Comix Zone when it first came out back in the mid 90’s. I’m pretty sure I did, but only briefly. Been playing it again more recently, as part of Sega mega drive collection on PS2. Great game with cool little touches like being able to punch bad guys from one frame to the next and being able to rip off a bit of the background and throw it at enemies. Well worth it if you can get your hands on a copy or download it. Still feels like a fresh idea for a game even today.

Friday, 8 August 2008

A Good Death Cry.

I think I mention in a previous post about trying to figure out the spelling of the sound effect that the Tardis makes when it appears and disappears. At some point my next challenge will be to try and figure out a good death cry for this shot. What kind of a death cry would a creature like this make? Who knows? I’d want it to be Alien sounding, maybe get a bit of gurgling going on.

One of my biggest pet hates at the moment is waiting for stuff you’d ordered online. Been trying to keep my spending down since I spent more in Cornwall then I had planned a few weeks back. But I had been keeping a little back for an art book I had my eye on. Having ordered it at the end of last week I’m now just waiting for the thing to turn up. It a daily game of hoping today will be the day when the postmen walks up to my front door with a book shape package and everyday when he doesn’t feeling paranoid there some conspiracy going on for me to remain bookless for another day. If you order something online you usually save a few pounds but it’s that feeling of knowing you’ve already paid for something that you can’t then have for a week or two. That and for some reason not being able to get an appointment at the hairdresser is really pissing me off too. All I want to do this summer is read a good book with short hair.

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

It All Gone A Bit Sam Peckinpah.

First panel from a short story I’m working on right now and just to show all those teenage years of watching Sam Peckinpah and Sergio Leone films weren’t wasted.