The following image is probably the most ambitious shot from my latest short story. Certainly the largest panel from the whole story. I wanted a really strong action image, which is what I was going for with this. Have to say with all the panicking and planning that went into this shot, it actually came together a lot quicker then I thought it would. This usually seems to be the way when your drawing Comics. And then panels that you thought were going to be quick and easy to draw tend to turn out to be nightmares in the end. Not that drawing this was a walk in the park but I kind of knew what I wanted to get out of this shot which always makes it a lot easier. This was one of the first things I had to draw for this strip so there wasn’t a lot of sitting around dreading it. Luckily it wasn’t a long period from drawing the thumbnail to having to draw the final image itself.

Speaking of thumbnails I thought I’d also put up the thumbnail from this image as I haven’t done that for a while and I keep meaning too. I don’t think I change very much if anything from the original first quick sketch.

When this is lettered the guy at the front will be shouting something useful and relevant to the plot, but to me he’ll always be screaming “Five rounds rapid.” If you didn’t get that reference it’s probably for the best I’d say.