Well I don’t usually get one (sound of the world smallest violin and all that) but this year I’m having a kind of summer holiday break. Getting away for a few days with friends to Cornwall or around that area. I’m not really one for camping or roughing it if I can avoid it but it’ll be sleeping on the ground and washing with a wet wipe for me for the next few days… still you tend to holiday to your budget (hence the wet wipes and hard ground.) No it’ll be good to be among friends and forget about it all for a few days, even if it does look like we’ve missed the best weather, my hope of having my own tent is now pretty much 0% as everyone seems to want to share and I know for a fact that one of my friends watched Brokeback mountain a few weeks back when it was on the telly and also nearly bought the DVD. Still hopefully the pluses will far out weigh these points. Also it’ll be the first time in ages I won’t have to get up early on a Saturday for work. I have to say it still feels like a bit of a sin going to bed early on a Friday night. This Friday night should hopefully be a good one.
I’ll be back next week but will leave this shot from my Dr Who story. Yep finished that sample and posted it off today and knowing my luck they’ll probably be a new Doctor come Saturday, but what do I care I’ll be miles from a telly and hopefully drunk. No I get the feeling the current Doctor will be around for a bit longer yet anyway. More Junkyard action with this panel. I really enjoyed drawing this junkyard scene. Makes me want to do a post-apocalyptic, Mad Max style story for some reason. Probably partly because I’ve just started reading
The World Without Us by Alan Weisman as well lately at night.