Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Need More Hours In The Day.

Since getting back from Cornwall a couple of weeks ago, getting back into the swing of things took a longer then I’d liked. I have been working on the start of another short Sci-fi story which I’ll start posting artwork from soon, so I have got some artwork under my belt these past two weeks. But finding time to do it hasn’t been easy. My part time job eats away a good number of hours in the week and also trying to have a social life and enjoy a bit of summer as well before it’s back to cold, grey English winter. Plus I’ve also said I’d help out friends on a local short film for some festival. So it all a bit up in the air at the moment. On top of that drawing in the summer is never fun. Your brain just isn’t on your side and your always uncomfortable and thirsty. It usually better to wait until night when it’s nice and quite and a lot cooler.

Final shots from my Dr Who sample pages. Will hopefully start posting new artwork from a new story very soon.

Sunday, 20 July 2008

Not For The Squeamish.

It really not. So turn back if you are at all squeamish.

A couple of weeks ago when I was over on the other side of the county living in a soggy field, one of the places we went was a place called Future World. We were just killing time as you do on a holiday and Future world was selected because it was dry and warm. They had a couple of cool things to play around with but by far the coolest thing was a camera microscope. They had slides of different things like insects and so on but they remained untouched as we just stuck our fingers under it to look at the skin and nails up extra close. But it got extra interesting when you’d find a tiny, small cut on your finger and zoom in as far as you could.

These picture might have lose a tiny bit of detail as to get a picture you had to take a picture of the screen, but you can still make them out well enough. This cut was really, really tiny but you could see it in a way you’d never be able too with the naked eye. I was a big fan of that camera microscope. If I were a rich man I’d buy one of those bad boys.

Friday, 18 July 2008

Choke Trailer.

I know that the success rate of turning good comics into good films isn’t maybe that great (although seems a lot healthier over the last few years with your Spiderman, Batman movies.) But to be fair I don’t think comics get it any better or worse then most adaptations to the big screen. In fact producers have to worry about crazy fanboys burning down they’re house’s because they changed the colour of a characters costume or something. Just look at the world of books. Really great novels like Breakfast Of Champions or Less Than Zero turned into really bad movies. Choke one of my favourite novels and the trailer for the movie adaptation been out for a while but I’ve only just got round to seeing it this week. The film not out until the end of the year. I’m looking forward to seeing it.

Friday, 11 July 2008

The Waiting Is The Hardest Part.

What a week. I missed Dr Who season final last weekend because of being away and I’ve had to spend all this week trying to avoid finding out what happened until I can watch the repeat tonight. At first it was just a case of being careful what websites I looked at. Then having to turn the channel when it came up on TV quickly. Then stopping my brother from blurting out any spoilers when he came round this week. I don’t want to tempt fate but with an hour to go I think I might have got away with it. All I know is I doubt there a new Doctor and a lot of people didn’t like it. All I have to do is make it through one more hour and I can find out myself. I’ll kill some time by posting another couple of frames from my recent Doctor Who submission.

Been trying to ease my way back into work. I feel like I need a holiday to get over my holiday to be honest. Been a couple of times when I’ve thought I was going to get a cold from being in the rain and cold so much last week but hopefully I’ve got away with it. Been trying to write and thumbnail another short Sci-fi story over the last couple of days. Part of me just wants to get back to the drawing board but I’ve got nothing to draw until I’ve thought up some ideas and got them worked out. Like I said I’ve got a couple of ideas I’m trying to bang into shape.

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

The Joy Of Dry Socks.

Wet, hungry and freezing but still in one piece. Camping trip was filled with lots of ups and downs. Good times and bad. Here a few things I learnt from this trip.

(1)When your camping in a field and the toilet is on the other side of the field. Be carefully walking back late at night as when Moths can pick you out from your torch light they tend to go for you like Japanese suicide bombers go for Battle Ships.
(2)Wearing wet trainers and socks we’ll get to a man over a period of time. It fine for a day when you know you can get home and change your socks and stick your trainers by the radiator but when your miles away from dry trouser it starts to get to you… well me.
(3)Bacon taste better on the west side.
(4)Tents only seem to come in either Green or Blue colour.
(5)Tents never come with enough pegs\hooks. Buy extra before you go. People always want tent hooks when they go camping.
(6)Those trendy tents that just pops into shape are actually pretty good, but a bitch to put away back into they’re tiny carrying bag. Especially when it’s raining and blowing a gale and you need to leave in a hurry.
(7)Don’t get your designated driver into a drinking game involving beer, vodka and red wine the night before your leaving. Drinking games and next day eight-hour drives don’t mix.
(8)When everybody told to “pack light” because of car space and someone brings along a giant, fluffy Duvet, you can get hours of comedy gold out of it.
(9)Take the time to make a compilation CD for long journeys before you go and maybe a few magazines.
(10)Shag, Marry, Kill is the new Eye Spy.

Here a few photos. Including when I was walking along a beach and came across a toilet seat. How it got there god only knows. Maybe it belonged to a Mermaid?

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

Away For A Few Days.

Well I don’t usually get one (sound of the world smallest violin and all that) but this year I’m having a kind of summer holiday break. Getting away for a few days with friends to Cornwall or around that area. I’m not really one for camping or roughing it if I can avoid it but it’ll be sleeping on the ground and washing with a wet wipe for me for the next few days… still you tend to holiday to your budget (hence the wet wipes and hard ground.) No it’ll be good to be among friends and forget about it all for a few days, even if it does look like we’ve missed the best weather, my hope of having my own tent is now pretty much 0% as everyone seems to want to share and I know for a fact that one of my friends watched Brokeback mountain a few weeks back when it was on the telly and also nearly bought the DVD. Still hopefully the pluses will far out weigh these points. Also it’ll be the first time in ages I won’t have to get up early on a Saturday for work. I have to say it still feels like a bit of a sin going to bed early on a Friday night. This Friday night should hopefully be a good one.

I’ll be back next week but will leave this shot from my Dr Who story. Yep finished that sample and posted it off today and knowing my luck they’ll probably be a new Doctor come Saturday, but what do I care I’ll be miles from a telly and hopefully drunk. No I get the feeling the current Doctor will be around for a bit longer yet anyway. More Junkyard action with this panel. I really enjoyed drawing this junkyard scene. Makes me want to do a post-apocalyptic, Mad Max style story for some reason. Probably partly because I’ve just started reading The World Without Us by Alan Weisman as well lately at night.