Work on Dirge 2 is still ongoing. I’m trying to finish it up without rushing it. So no “that’ll do.” or “yeah that kind of works, maybe.” But I do think I’m starting to become allergic to computer screens.
Several month’s back I was in my local bookstore when I saw they were doing a 3 for 2 offer on classic books. I ended up picking up three horror classics The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Frankenstein and Dracula. I read Dr Jekyll and Frankenstein back to back (and enjoyed both) but couldn’t bring myself to read Dracula as well. I had to put it on my bookshelf for a few months and read some other books as three horror classic in a row was a bit much. Anyway I finally started to read it this week and really enjoyed the first four chapter. Only off putting moment came at the end of chapter two-
“ but at the instant I saw the cut had bled a little, and the blood was trickling over my chin. I laid down my razor, turning as I did so half round look for some sticking plaster. When the Count saw my face, his eyes blazed with a sort of demoniac fury.”
I know this is a tense horror moment and all, but it was kind of ruined by me going “wow, they had plasters in the 1890’s.” “Really?” it even went as far as me looking up Plaster on Wiki (before I released what I was doing). I didn’t think Plaster were modern or anything but I didn’t think they dated all the way back to Victorian times. Who ever invited Plaster must be loaded. Think about it, it well over a hundred years and we all still use them.