Sunday, 30 March 2008

Where Waldo? He’s Dead!

Still living in the past of two months ago. Now I’ve figured out how to do live links and a way to post my scorecard and therefore show off my Waldo killing skills. I thought I’d repost it.

Anybody who hasn’t played can now just click the link>

And here is my time if you think you can do any better. I don’t like to brag but I’m the best drunk killer around.

Thursday, 27 March 2008

More B Movie\Exploitation Posters.

A couple of months back I posted some B movie\Exploitation poster I liked. I thought since I’m a little light on artwork to post at the moment while I’m printing up Dirge 2 and there so many good posters around I’d post some more.

Starting off with a couple of drawn posters. You never see a painted poster now a days let alone one that just got an illustration on it. Really like the design of these two as well.

When I was growing up one of the first bits of art to really catch my eye was a copy of The Beatles illustrated songbook we had. This poster reminds me a lot of that stuff.

I’ll finish up on some sexy (if maybe they shouldn’t be) posters. Sex might sell but it never been as messed up as in artwork for B movie\Exploitation posters.

Monday, 24 March 2008

Second Day Hang Over.

You ever get this thing were your hang over doesn’t kick in until the second morning after? I was drinking Saturday and more then enough to earn myself a mean hangover the next morning. Plus the fact that I was away staying with friends and only had about five hours sleep before having to catch a train on top of that. I mean I wasn’t feeling great when I got up the next morning, but forgot how good it felt to take a walk along the coast and move about when you have a hang over as now a days I only drink when I know I haven’t got anything stressful or hard to do the next day and don’t really need to leave the house. I was feeling a bit sick that morning but having to get home and the alcohol still in my system was making the whole thing ok. I felt pretty good but tired. Anyway when I get home I get a couple more hours sleep and when I wake up then I can feel a slight hang over setting in. I take the rest of Sunday easy just drinking plenty of drinks and watching TV and the hang over never really sets in. However when I woke up today after taking it easy and a long, good nights sleep I really feel hung over. I mean burning eyes and dizzy. Made worse by the fact I had work. As weird as a worse hang over on the second day sounds it not actually the first time its happened. I remember getting them a lot in college a few years ago. I have no idea why this is.

Here a film I’m really looking forward to. I’m guessing it’ll probably go straight to DVD and even if it didn’t I very much doubt my town’s small little cinema which seems to only play the big family films now would ever play it. I had to miss out on Rambo 4, Diary of the dead and anything else that been out that seems half decent. That the sad thing about a big chain buying your local cinema. Over priced popcorn and all they show are family films. Any CGI bollocks will be shown no problem but anything over a fifth-teen is unlikely. We tend to miss out on all the good horror movies or anything for grown ups.

Thursday, 20 March 2008

Done And Done.

Finished up all the little bits and pieces that needed to be done on the computer, so I guess the next step is printing. Best of all I don’t have to be stuck at a computer for as long now either. I guess this brings to a close three years worth of work (more or less). I don’t think its really sunk in that I’ve finished or maybe it’s because I’ve still got to have Dirge 2 printed up now. I’m sure it’ll hit me at some point.

I’m really looking forward to getting back to the drawing board very soon. With a project as big as Dirge finished now I get a lot more freedom with my options. With Dirge I knew what I was going to be drawing for a very long period. Now I can make it up as I go along a bit more now. See what comes along, rather then knowing what I’m doing with the rest of the year.

If I’m really feeling fancy I may even try and change the banner at the top of this page. But one step at a time. Anyway hopefully if nothing else I should have some more free time to update this blog more often (famous last words).

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Word And Pictures.

It weird to think this time tomorrow night I should have the second and final part of Dirge completed. Finished lettering and now all I’ve got to do is straighten up a couple of pages and do an inside back cover page. I didn’t print the comic out as I went along like the first part so I’ve spent the weekend printing out a copy and seeing how it looked with grey tone and texture.

Here how it’s looking with text:

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

You Got A Lot Of Attitude For A Paperclip.

Hopefully my time glued to a computer screen is nearing to an end. Still got a week or two to go but then hopefully I can get back to the drawing board. You find when you’re doing something stressful that little things get on your nerves. In comics because it a visual medium and not a book it best if you can say something in five words rather then twenty-five. Let the artwork take the weight of its side of the story. Only problem is you’ve got to use the right five words to sum up what your trying to say and it can take time to figure out the right words. So as I’ve been typing up the script to Dirge 2 recently I spent a long time just staring off into the distance trying to think up the perfect line that not to heavy of text. Doesn’t always come easy. The worse part was when I couldn’t think of the best way to say a line and it was getting to me, I looked down and in the corner of the screen is this little animated paperclip that comes with the Word program with this really bored look on his face. I never liked this little animated paperclip but I never notice that if you don’t type for a bit he starts to look bored. I mean it was almost too much. I’m stuck on a line and I’m being mocked by the little git. Who the hell thought up this annoying little guy? He makes Jar Jar Binks look almost lovable. This paperclip is always looking off screen at you and I’m beginning to get a bit paranoid about him. Like he knows what I’m typing or something. With his little attention seeking animation and so on.

Found it hard to take a picture of him but you get the idea. Look how he mocks with his “Whatever” look on his little paperclip face. Who ever made this guy was clearly taking the piss. I wonder how many people in real life have given up on Novels and Scripts because of his dirty little looks he keeps shooting out?

Thursday, 6 March 2008

Wow That Amazing… Kind Of… Not Really.

Work on Dirge 2 is still ongoing. I’m trying to finish it up without rushing it. So no “that’ll do.” or “yeah that kind of works, maybe.” But I do think I’m starting to become allergic to computer screens.

Several month’s back I was in my local bookstore when I saw they were doing a 3 for 2 offer on classic books. I ended up picking up three horror classics The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Frankenstein and Dracula. I read Dr Jekyll and Frankenstein back to back (and enjoyed both) but couldn’t bring myself to read Dracula as well. I had to put it on my bookshelf for a few months and read some other books as three horror classic in a row was a bit much. Anyway I finally started to read it this week and really enjoyed the first four chapter. Only off putting moment came at the end of chapter two-

“ but at the instant I saw the cut had bled a little, and the blood was trickling over my chin. I laid down my razor, turning as I did so half round look for some sticking plaster. When the Count saw my face, his eyes blazed with a sort of demoniac fury.”

I know this is a tense horror moment and all, but it was kind of ruined by me going “wow, they had plasters in the 1890’s.” “Really?” it even went as far as me looking up Plaster on Wiki (before I released what I was doing). I didn’t think Plaster were modern or anything but I didn’t think they dated all the way back to Victorian times. Who ever invited Plaster must be loaded. Think about it, it well over a hundred years and we all still use them.