The mugginess cleared enough today for me to enjoy some summer seaside fun. Ice cream, sunburn and seagull dodging. Living in a small seaside town is a real drag in the winter, but more then make's up for it in the summer. Took a walk with friends up into the hills as I hadn’t done that for ages and then took these pictures just in case its ages until I do it again.
This summer has gotten off to a bad start weather wise, but hopefully their more days like this to come.
My appointment at the Dentist finally rolled round today. I was kind of curious as to what to expect as I've only ever been to one Dentist my whole life. Plus with my low funds I was a little scared as to what kind of treatment I’d get (I just had visions of the dentist taking off his shoe and smacking me in the mouth with the heel for half-an-hour and then charging me all of what’s left in my bank account.) It went pretty well all things considered. The place was on the seafront so I could just look out on to the sea while I was waiting. When I was in there he said there was signs of wear on the enamel must likely from all the fruit drinks I’ve drunk and to cut down on them and fruit, which felt weird being told to cut down on the only healthy part of my diet. When I asked what would be better to drink he said “tea or coffee” It also felt weird being told to drink coffee. I gave up caffeine about a year and a half ago and I don’t like tea or coffee. For my sensitive teeth he told me to rub this (I’m not sure if its some kind of jell or just special toothpaste) into the gums like one of those 80’s cops in the movies who find a shitload of cocaine, but can’t be sure until they’ve rubbed a little into they’re gums (how come cops in movies don’t do that anymore?) strange thing is I’ve actually tried it a couple of times and it does work…..I think.
Who would of thought gums were so technical? Apparently a third of the population suffer from sensitive teeth so one out of every three people who read this, I’m doing a favour.
Last summer was beautiful with blue skies and long hot days. It’s just a pity I spent it working in a cardboard box factory. This summer I’m about and its all floods and mugginess. I seriously never want to hear the word ‘muggy’ again. Feels like I’m living in a Tupperware box going round in a microwave this summer.
It’s been well over a month since I went to see 28 weeks later and I’ve only just started to have nightmares about fast running yellow contact lens wearing zombies (was there a waiting list in my head or something?) It probably all these essay still popping up all over the net about it. Every day I seem to spot a new one. Something I’ve been noticing about a lot of them is (in fact at least the last three I read) that they use lines like “flesh-eating zombies” and “flesh-eaters.” Like I said it been well over a month since I’ve seen it but didn’t the Zombies\Infected just beat you to death? I know they’d bite you to infect you, but I don’t remember any scenes of Zombies\Infected having a proper Munch on anyone? Not like in Day of the dead or Dawn. I just remember them biting and beating people to death. Maybe if they had been flesh eaters, they would of lasted longer then 28 weeks. They’re differently an irony in modern Zombies being faster and stronger but not lasting very long.
Anyway like many people I have sat in the pub outlining my plan in the case of a Zombie outbreak. But sadly these nightmares of fast running, super Zombies means I’m gonna have to revise\rethink them now. Bloody modern Zombies. Sure the yellow contact lenses are nice but this is how a Zombie should look and act really. Now this is a proper Zombie movie. No metaphor for Iraq. Just pervy green Nazi's.
I finally managed to get my hands on some black ink today. How weird is it when you walk into a stationer and can buy bronze metallic coloured ink and even fucking white ink, but no black ink. Who stocks these places? What’s the world got against comic book artiest? Were all the summer weather gone?
Yikes! End of the week, and what a week that was. Many, many hours spent at the draw board this week working on some new submissions. I’m just coming to the end of pencilling the first page now. I’m sure I’ll have something to post in this coming week. Anyway while I give myself some time to finish that up, here some shots from Dirge 2.
In other news James Fletcher has given in and gotten himself a My space at last. Will worth checking out his work. His Zombie pin ups are fantastic and scary as hell. He is the British Bernie Wrightson. His on my friend’s list some were on my page, so check him out.
“Yawn” Very sleepy. Time for bed I guess. Been a long week.
The sad thing about doing Dirge is that I pretty much know what I’m going be drawing for the rest of the year. It’s not the worst thing in the world and if anything it gives you more time to prepare, but the second part of Dirge is such a big project its most likely to take up most if not all of the rest of the year. So since I’m just over half way through I thought I’d put it on the back burner for a couple of weeks and knock up a couple of short stories to submit to an upcoming comic.
It been pretty weird to have to think up new ideas and draw work other then Dirge. I was surprised but how quickly I came up with ideas consider writing wise I been going through a bit of a dry patch. I’ve been trying to put in some serious hours over the last couple of days and it’s been a period of highs and lows. Like feeling great that I came up with ideas so quickly. Then getting worried that I set to work on them to soon and might go off them before they’re done. But the biggest heartache was today when I spent 3 hours trying to draw this one panel. I always knew this panel was going to be a mean shot to pull off but after putting in all that time and effort I looked and the finished panel and had this nagging feeling I’d probably be rubbing it out before the end of the week as I wanted this page to be the best I could make it.
I'll post up some work from Dirge 2 at some point as well as maybe a couple of shots from these short stories I’m working on. It been all pencilling latley and no real time time for my sketchbook, but I'll find something.
I’m off to cheer myself up by making one of these.
Wow Midget fights a few days ago and now an Origami Vagina. Didn’t take long for this blog to get lowbrow. I guess the Origami is arts and crafts to be fair.
I’m breaking one of my own rules here by updating my blog drunk. But don’t worry as I’m not about to go off on some mad drunken rant (luckily for you.) I just wanted to give a quick plug for a friends who organising an acoustic night in Hastings.
The poster looks a little like this.
And you can find out details online at it seems to be snowballing in to something a bit special, so check it out.
In other news my favourite part of today was when I walked in to Marks and spencers to grab something to eat and as I headed down the fruit section at the other end was this old man just eating grapes cheekily while he thought no one was watching. I mean just picking up a bunch and eating a couple before putting them back. As soon as he saw me coming he quickly woofed down a couple more, tossed the bunch back and walked off. Didn’t even buy any. Cheeky swine.
In the last couple of days I’ve started to look vaguely human again. I shaved for the first time in ages yesterday (enough stubble to block the sink twice since you ask…Oh you didn’t? Sorry.) And then today I got my hair cut nice and short for the summer. This week I even got round to finding a new dentist and booking an appointment.
I’ve also been drawing a lot this week but like I think I’ve said before, my pencil work doesn’t scan to well. So here a chunk from my sketchbook until I’ve had a chance to finish up the page and start on the inking.
And if that doesn’t keep you entertained, then here a couple of midget having a fight. {WARNING} You will feel a little bit dirty after watching this, but then all the best things in life leave you feeling a little dirty afterwards right?
I love the way the audience likes to be so judgmental on Jerry Springer and yet it doesn’t take much to get them chanting “Midget Fight”.
I’m nursing a mean hung over from a night of getting drunk on these shots that tasted like Black forest pudding. At some point last night as well I remember my friend finding a bottle of vodka that was well over twenty years old and him drinking some of it (which reminds me, I should really call him to make sure his still alive). So to paint a picture for you, this blog is coming from a darken room that I’m trying to keep nice and cool and womb like until the thumping in my head leaves me alone.
I can’t believe half of 2007 is already gone. Feels like Christmas was only a couple of months ago. Ironically just as were halfway through this year, I’ve also just hit the halfway point of Dirge part 2. There nothing I can post without giving away big plot points so I thought I’d post these pictures I saw of someone interpretation of what Pac-man skeleton would look like.
I think it been around for a while but I’ve only just seen it and I think it looks pretty cool. I’d love to have this sitting on top of my computer or on my bookshelf.
Anyway I’m off to rub my temple and make distressed moaning noises until somebody show me some sympathy. I’m hung over and I’m feeling sorry for myself (plus half the years over and I haven’t done half as much as I wanted.) I need a hug... and maybe one of these Pac-man skeleton too.