Saturday, 8 March 2025

Tooled Up And Ready For The Dead.

I fear this latest panel opens up an old debate. What is the greatest weapon to wield in a Zombie Outbreak?

This character seems to think the best tool for the job would be a spiked Pugil Stick. But is he right? Let's look at the pluses. No ammo needed so it never runs out. Doesn't make any sound so won't attract more Zombies. And it's a long weapon so it keeps the Undead at a distance when fighting them reducing the risk of a bite or scratch.

Question is... what hardware will you be packing when the dead start to walk?

Friday, 28 February 2025

Put Down The Phone, People.

What a terrible age we live in when the first thing most people think of grabbing these days when they first encounter a Zombie is their Phone rather than any kind of weapon to defend themselves.

Put down the phone and pick up an axe, People...

Friday, 21 February 2025

Never Stop Hunting.

It's getting harder and harder to bag yourself a bargain while out on the high street hunting down secondhand Books, Comics and Films these days. Especially now there's less shops and everybody can just look up the true price of what they're selling online.

But if you poke around enough... sometimes you can still get lucky.

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Slay Away.

Remember... Say "No" to Zombies like this Bad Ass. 

Zombies never have the right to invade your personal space.

When it comes to the Undead... The best 'Warning Shot' is a Head Shot.

Friday, 7 February 2025

ROTLD Collection.

Inspired by a very cool Zombie Card I got this week for my Birthday from a friend, and in honour of the new movie and fan-film coming out later this year. My collection of 'Return Of The Living Dead' films.

I am a massive fan of this series.

Sadly, I'm missing part 4, as neither 4 or 5 were released here in the UK. I had to get my dvd copy of part 5 from Germany.

Never forget... these films gave the world the catchphrase "BBBRRRRAAAINNNNNSSSSSSS".

Sunday, 2 February 2025

Pap The Dead.

I've recently been working on a Pin-Up inspired by a panel from a humorous Zombie one-page comic strip I did a couple of years ago about 'Zombie Selfies' (i.e. people who risk getting eaten alive by the Undead just to get a snapshot of themselves with a member of the 'Living Dead' to impress people online).

It's not often in Art you get a chance to return to an image you have done before and have another go at drawing it. It's also been nice to get a chance to go into more detail and flesh out the idea a bit more with this new Pin-Up. 

So for fun I thought I'd put them side-by-side so people could see them together.

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

January Blues.

I'm so glad this month is going to be over by the end of the week. It's probably the most downbeat part of the year. Right now even the little Weather updates on my Desktop are being depressing.